Aaron (age 5, beta thal major, Exjade 500 mg) has been complaining of light sensitivity for the
past few weeks (started in March, when we had some unseasonably warm weather,
but then it got rainy/cloudy again and so this just started up a few weeks ago when we had sunnier weather).
This struck me as odd, as he has such dark eyes (I thought in general lighter
eyes tended to be more sensitive to sunlight; darker eyes less sensitive.)
If he doesn't have a hat and sunglasses on, he has been crying. He was NOT like
this last summer.
I just noticed that there is a possible (less than 1% of patients) side effect
with Exjade of retinal issues, which includes light sensitivity.
Has anyone else heard of this or had their child experience it?
He's scheduled in July with his opthamologist. I'm thinking I should get him in