Sorry for not updating this.
After couple years of procrastination and ordering desferal pump and first few doses of desferal vials in the late November, 2015, I am happy to announce that it is today my first day of taking Desferal.
As today was my first time (I take insulin so poking needle wasn't scary or that new to me in the skin), I waited for my mom to return from office at 6 PM and then began transfusing 1 vial (500 mg) with 5 ML of water. It's 1 AM here now and it's just completed.
Feels good, a little awkward as it's a new thing and tool to hang around and move (lol), but with time I'll get adjusted. The leg feels heavy (the one which was under infusion) as a good amount of liquid passes through. I believe it should be fine when I wake up in the morning.
My ferritin as of around mid February is around 5100 (no decrease or increase with Exjade alone). So now I will be taking Desferal along with Exjade as combination therapy with almost same dose of Exjade being continued (1600 mg).
The real fight against Iron starts now for me. I want to see where I will be in next 9-12 months. I plan to take at least 25 (if not 30) vials/month (1 per day on avg). 25 because some days I might want to skip and just relax. But that's the plan.
One important question I want to ask about Desferal's side-effects is whether the hearing loss problem is same as Exjade or it could be worse than it? Asking because I saw Dharmesh's response in one thread that he has significant hearing loss due to desferal. Andy or any members please kindly share their experience as I am relatively new to learning the ins and outs about it.
I am having vision problems currently (more so in left eye majorly) like blurred/hazy vision. It's not due to Exjade (got it checked with Retina specialist) and it's not cataracts or any of eye side effects of Exjade. Doc is suspecting it's vitreous hemorrhage / retinopathy (leaking of blood vessels in eye). Naybe due to diabetes and a bit above norm sugar levels in past few months being diabetic? Not sure (Winter isn't good for diabetics as blood sugar levels don't play fair during cold). Little scary - vision is most important thing for me and the thought of losing it alone is scary. He has advised to come under 1 week and get Angiography done for further investigation/diagnostics. I am trying natural remedies such as beet/carrot juice and keeping cold cucumber rings in eyes till then and will see if any of it helps any bit.
That's it about my recent update. Will keep you guys posted.