If you use desferal for an extended period of time, the annual vision and hearing tests should also be done.
Yes , i just decided yesterday to have 3 desferals(for 15-20 hours) instead of 2 desferal(for 12 hours) for 3 to 4 days.( I want S.Ferritin to 440ng/ml from 6440ng/ml by any mode.and think that 40-45 desferals in a month won't be suffice)
About Vision and Hearing( I can look into future and can hear voice of heart

I was realized at an age of 17 or 18 that i have some kind of hearing problem. Then found out the reason is desferal and it has cause HIGH FREQUENCY HEARING LOSS at an age of 5 years soon after starting desferal therapy. I wanted to cure this problem as sometime it becomes more painful to me than Thal.
Do you have any suggestions or medicine or the hearing machine is the only solution.?
I was taking Desirox and then Asunra from 2008. In April i went for eye examination and doc. seen CATARACT in my eyes. and has suggested me for bi-annual examination of eyes.
Thank you,