Beta thal minor in 3rd trimester and iron infusions

  • 2 Replies
Beta thal minor in 3rd trimester and iron infusions
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:17:11 AM »
Hi All!
I know that there have been extensive posts about thal minor and pregnancy and I have one more to add.   :-\

I am beta thal minor in my 28th week of pregnancy.  I have been receiving iron sucrose transfusions for the last 4 weeks and there have been no changes to my Hgb (8.4) and Hct (25.5)- they have actually decreased incrementally.  I don't have my specific ferritin numbers but wil list last test numbers below.  My hematologist has pretty much said they can't find what is causing the problem and I may just have to "sit" at these levels until I give birth.  I am tachycardic and out of breath all the time which is awful.  I am scheduled to keep going for weekly infusions.  My question is this: if my numbers are not improving, then what is the next step, if any?  Should I ask for transfusions?  I also have gestational diabetes.  Thanks for reading my long post and your responses!!!

Neu: 7.85
Hgb: 8.4
Hct: 25.5
MCV: 62.8
RDW: 21.2
Na: 134
BUN. 6
Creat: .4
Ca: 8.3
AG: 6


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Beta thal minor in 3rd trimester and iron infusions
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2012, 01:20:54 AM »
Hi shwetamoo,

The Hb level between 8-9 is not uncommon with thal minor pregnancies. There is no connection to iron deficiency, so unless there is a coinciding iron deficient anemia, IDA, taking iron won't budge the Hb level. Have you had an iron panel of tests done? This should always be done before thal minors take iron, but many doctors rely on Hb level alone, which cannot determine IDA in a thal minor. An iron panel would include tests for serum ferritin, serum iron and total iron binding capacity, TIBC. If these indicate IDA, then iron is appropriate. What dose are you taking of folic acid? 2-5 mg daily is suggested for thal minor women during pregnancy. Are you taking any other supplements? I always suggest 400-800 IU daily of natural vitamin E complex. That and folic acid may have more of a positive effect on your Hb than iron has. Folic acid is essential for building red blood cells. Transfusions are sometimes given to thal minors if their Hb gets much below 8. If yours continues to drop, it will become an option.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Beta thal minor in 3rd trimester and iron infusions
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2012, 03:52:48 PM »
I also had iron infusions during my 2nd and 3rd trimester (I am beta thal minor).  The iron did not increase my hemoglobin, which was in the 8-9 range during my pregnancy, but it did help me feel better.  I was having problems with my iron levels because I was unable to take iron pills and was having issues with dizziness, cold hands and feet and tachycardia.  I got treaments every other week and my symptoms would get better each time and then start again a couple days before the next infusion.  Hang in there it gets better!  For my next pregnancy I am planning on trying iron water, which is not supposed to cause side effects, and using cast iron for cooking.

Take care!


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