Doctor States no Symptoms for Beta Thal Minor

  • 2 Replies
Doctor States no Symptoms for Beta Thal Minor
« on: May 30, 2012, 11:39:57 PM »

My daughter was diagnosed at 12 months when she was admitted to hospital for osteomyelitis.  Docs initially looked at her bloods and declared her severely aneamic then two days later grabbed the liquid iron medicine off us and said 'oops'.  She was also constantly constipated from 12 weeks even though she was breast fed.  This caused a severly distended stomach and until the age of three she would vomit every few days as her system was full.  Finally emptied in hospital at 3 but the stomach stayed distended (xrays showed massive amounts of gas bubbles).  The kid could win any farting comp!!!  Then by the age of 6 she developed symtoms of hypoglycemia and nearly fainted at least 3 times at school and became catatonic numerous times at home (ghostly white skin, none responsive) would fix her with water and food. She's had no hypoglycemia for a year now (she's 12)
Son has just started having hypoglycemic attacks (he's now 10) so I had him tested for Thal.  Sure enough he has the Beta Thal trait too (they get it from their Italian Dad).  Both kids always complain of tummy pains but sons tummy not distended.
I was never too concerned with my daughter having Thal Minor but having my son diagnosed too has spooked me - don't know why.  So I email a Thal Association for advice and they referred my questions to a local city doctor who replied with the following; So who's right?

Thank you for enquiry and for expressing your concerns. I can assure you that none of the symptoms that your children present have anything to do with thalassaemia. In the Mediterranean there are areas where up to 15% of the population are carriers and they certainly do have any of the features that you describe. A possible tendency to diabetes seems more likely. I think that a specialist should see them and make a definitive diagnosis.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Doctor States no Symptoms for Beta Thal Minor
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 02:46:23 AM »
Hi Sharon,

The only symptom that would be related to thal minor is the anemia and this could very likely be exacerbated by a non-thal problem. The anemia of thalassemia does not respond to iron, so that may explain the oops. I would agree that a specialist should be consulted. A gastroenterologist may be able to find some answers.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Doctor States no Symptoms for Beta Thal Minor
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2012, 03:55:54 AM »
Thanks for the response Andy.  I'm a little confused as people here are saying Thal minor does have symptoms. What then are they?  Is it only aneamia?  and therefore if my children are not aneamic then they will have no symptoms?

Is the low blood sugar experienced during high level excercise (or extrememly hot weather) not exagerated by Thal minor?

Cheers :


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