Thal minor beta recovery from birth

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Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« on: April 11, 2012, 07:10:30 PM »
I am going through post partum right now and I am wondering how to speed up the process. I am 5 days post and had a wonderful homebirth. My levels were checked every month and never went below 9.0. I take 1.2 mg of folic acid. My hemo didn't recommend I take more. He actually only told me to take 1 mg.  I too have been achy all over my body and out of breath from doing very little. I know my body is going through lots of changes right now. I am encapuslating my placenta. I will have it by Friday and it's supposed to speed recovery.  I'm hoping it works!  Any other advice/ tips out there?   I take a multi, a b-complex, and 2000iu-3000iu a day of vitamin D. i do not take iron and did not my entire preg. I was told it was not needed.


Offline ldominguez1022

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Re: Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 02:57:48 PM »
Congrats on your new baby!

I'm glad to see you are encapsulating your placenta (I am planning on doing so as well) and I feel like it will help a lot with helping you bounce back.

In terms of what to take, I'm not really sure. I'll leave that to Andy or another information savvy person.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 11:26:41 PM »
Congratulations Stephanie! I am so happy the home birth went well. I don't think there is any comparison between a hospital birth and a home birth. It's so nice to be home with your new baby right from the start.

I think you're taking the essentials. It's just a matter of time, due to the blood loss during delivery. As your red blood cells are replaced, you will feel much better. Wheatgrass tabs might help to speed things up slightly, but overall, it's a just matter of time.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2012, 12:23:06 AM »
Thank you : )  Thanks for responses also.  I figured most of all I needed time but I'm such a go go person. I just have to learn to tell myself to relax.


Offline gwftan

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Re: Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2012, 03:25:27 PM »
Congratulations on your new baby.

As a new mother, you will probably feel overwhelmed with emotions and coping with taking care of your new baby.  As a mother of two, post partum is a time for you to take care of yourself because your baby needs you to take care of him/her.  Do not over exert yourself.  I believe your hb are higher than what I had after my deliveries, still, I cope. Its tiring having to care a young baby, and a toddler at the same time I was going back and forth the clinics because my baby(ies) are jaundiced.  Not to mention I was already driving on my first week because there are nobody who's helping me to drive.

It will be raw and sore coping the first 2 weeks especially if you do not know how to handle your little one.  Get someone to help you out, is especially appreciated at this moment.  I do not think too much about eating the supplements, but more on eating something nutritious for the body to recuperate.  It is especially important, if you also decide to breastfeed your baby around the clock.  I breastfeed both my children, and still do now my youngest are already 5(talking about extended bf)...   

Re: Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2012, 12:06:44 AM »
TY!   ya it's tough. 10days pp now... I had to get my other 3 off to school today, ate, took care of baby napped then got them off the bus, cooked dinner and the started to get weak feeling, cold, tingling finger tips and nauseous.  I am breastfeeding and I know I am taking in enough cals. but my hemo hasnt regularly checked my ferratin. I felt much better after eating dinner which was chicken parm. I also just got over mastitis.
Idk if this site pertains to us bc its not specific to thal. but it makes sense as far as symptoms I felt today and nursing info. BTW I think it is great you are nursing so long! Good for you and your baby!

I think I over did it today.... but at the time it didn't seem like much!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 12:20:33 AM by stephanienic »


Offline PixieDust

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Re: Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2012, 01:29:30 PM »

I'm a thal minor with post pregnancy Hb 8.5. Having problems with low milk supply and already started supplementing one month old baby.... please some one give some light!  :-\

Re: Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2012, 02:23:50 AM »
I know this is a late response but I too am breastfeeding and am not having any issues with supply. 4 weeks after my lo's birth I had my ferritin level check and it was low. I have to take iron now 3 times a day and go back for a recheck in aug. I also take a multi, b-complex everyday as well as 2000iu vit D a day. My daughter is now 9 weeks old and I feel much better! I don't even need naps anymore most days. There is a tea called mothers milk you can try. Ohterwise just stay hydrated and eat lots! At least 1800 cals a day. Oatmeal is also said to increase your supply. I would not recommend supplementing bc it will just decrease your supply. Good luck!


Offline Answers4N

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Re: Thal minor beta recovery from birth
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 12:26:50 AM »
I don't know if this would be an issue for anyone else, but after our last child was born I had issues with my supply (may have been attributed to stress while baby was in the NICU). I finally realized that the naproxen I was taking was causing serious fluid retention and swelling. Within hours of discontinuing the naproxen I noticed improvement in milk supply and decrease in swelling. The next day I had lost a great deal of water weight, drank quite a bit, and supply was finally flowing as it should be!

I also tried oatmeal, it may have contributed to increase.

Best wishes to you and your new baby!


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