Hi there, I just found this forum today while looking for information on Thal minor and running performance. I'm a mid 30s female and have run a couple of marathons, and several 1/2s and 10ks. I was never terribly fast but liked it as a hobby and was decent at it. I have found myself over the years getting winded easily while running, especially uphill even though I do regular hill training, and also just when climbing a few sets of stairs even though I am in pretty good shape from running regularly and cycling. I will run with other women and they will be chatting throughout the run, and I can only blurt out breathless broken sentences. However, they will need to stop and take a walking break whereas I don't, leading me to believe it's their muscle fatigue in their legs that prevents them from running faster/farther, and for me, it's not getting enough oxygen that limits me. I don't actually know which type of Thal minor (alpha or beta) I have and will look into that. I did have surgery following a car crash a few years ago and the surgeon was worried about my low hemoglobin count during recovery, but when I told him I was Thal minor he seems to be satisfied with that. All that said, I'm looking for ways to increase my stamina. Upon initial research on here and elsewhere, it appears Vit D, B, E, magnesium, and folic acid are recommended. I am currently taking Omega 3 fish oil and Vit D, but stopped taking folic acid after weaning my second child about 5yrs ago, but could easily reintroduce folic acid and add Vit B, E and Mg. I would appreciate any other suggestions or comments. Thanks.