Hi, I have beta thalassemia minor and recently pregnant. I was told not to take iron supplement nor include iron in my prenatal vitamin. I have been taking iron rich food like drinking red dates tea everyday. Recently, I had an iron blood test and found out my iron level is 150 (high end is 145) and ferritin level is 205 (high end is 150). I don't know what have I eaten wrong. I looked into what I have eaten like Costco soy milk and found out they have 25% of iron in it. Also, I have Fiber One wheat bran cereal everyday as well and found out it has 25% of iron. They don't say 'enriched or 'fortified' on the box. So, I assume they are not. My high risk pregnancy doctor told me that it's good to have high iron because normally pregnant women have iron level of 20 in average. I've been cutting down the Costco soy milk and the Fiber One cereal with high iron percentage. One OBGYN told me to stop taking red dates tea daily. Is it necessary? I have asked for another blood test for my iron level after 3 weeks of cutting down of rich iron food but was denied. I get mixed info from obgyn. One said their patients normally get 20 from iron test but also said the body normally will absorb iron more efficiently. I had iron level below normal in my 30's after 2 miscarriages. I am in my 40's now with my first pregnancy. Will my body absorb more iron as I'm getting older besides pregnant? Any advise would be appreciated. What better diet can I take? I thought I was good enough but now my iron level freaked me out. I also seldom eat steak. I eat chicken, pork, fish, spinach the most.