Hello, im new, wasnt sure if this should be in this section, nutrition or general etc.
Im a 22 yr old male in the uk with thal minor. I dont think its had a massive effect on me in normal life, I got good grades and am now training to be a flying instructor at my local flying school. Im usually tired before others on a night out but thats about it.
However with fitness its always held me back, but I've never been hugely sporting apart from skiing and weight exercises in the gym, so its never really bothered me. But now I've started doing much more sports and cardio type exercise. I'm riding from London to Paris on a bicycle this june and I've found a new love in boxing.
I train at boxing two 1.5 hour sessions a week and am riding around 60 miles a week on the bike for london to paris.
I ride with my dad (45) and his mates of the same sort of age, at the gym the ages and fitness of the other boxers varies. But the one major trend, is in all cardio, I'm miles behind. I struggle to keep up with my middle aged cycle group, and two minute rounds on pads and bags at boxing have me stopping every minute or so for recovery. I cant run for more than 10 to 15 mins, we do running exercises at boxing, jogging for maybe 3/4 of a mile, then sprinting intervals etc, I do my best and keep up for a while but then feel light pain in my chest and side of my core and have to slow it down.
Will this get better with more training, is there anything in particular I can be doing to improve my cardio elsewhere?
I take a multivitamin that has small levels of most things, it says 150% rda of folic acid, I do regular protein shakes, I eat... Reasonably healthy, I dont carry much body fat, im 5"9 and 170lbs, medium muscular build.
Any help will be appreciated, ive had a general read through alot of topics on the forum but thought I could get better help by putting my situation down on paper
Thanks, tom