Thank you all for your feedback on the coconut theory & use!
There is a newer fresh coconut milk product in the refrigerated section of most big name grocery markets including super Walmarts, I think it is made by Silk, they also make an almond milk, and soy milk. I don't know if it is any better than the shelf versions. I actually attempted to give our little one coconut milk/water when we took him off of cow's milk to assess an iron anemia he has, he would not drink it at all - yet, he loves the vanilla almond milk...probably because it is sweeter, lol.
I am hoping to check a whole foods store soon for the whole young coconuts and to pick up some coconut oil - that book I referenced above, also mentioned in great detail the benefits of coconut water/milk and oil for thyroid function...I might have to check it out myself for that purpose alone!