plz help i am 13 weeks pregnant and found out that my baby has thalessemia major

  • 18 Replies

My husband and i have decided to keep the baby ,i know it will be hard for me but i will do my best to make my childs life the best it can be. I am happy!!!


Offline Bobby

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Great News! Congrats and Good Luck!


Offline Chanapa

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Congrats Aleena! So glad you came to a decision. Best of luck to you, and know that there are plenty of people who have gone through/are going through the same situation.

I saw your previous post about lack of support, and if it makes you feel any better, my parents had to leave their native country to be in the US for my healthcare. They gave up their careers, their families, friends, social status, everything. My mom gave up her career as a nurse to stay home and care for me full-time and my dad's worked on his own to support us for 20 years now. We too had to get by without any support. My mom's family was in a different country and my dad's family in the states didn't care (they still don't) much for us because they view the illness as a burden and don't want to risk getting involved. It's been incredibly hard, but if my parents, with their broken English and one income, can do it, so can you!

Anything's possible, and a happy life for your child is definitely attainable too :)


Offline Pratik

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Hi Aleena,

Nice to hear that. Best of luck and may God continues to shower the grace upon you and your upcoming little one.  :flowers
Every child is special.


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