something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #90 on: January 26, 2010, 04:49:28 AM »

The two HCV tests show that there is currently no active infection. "HCV RNA is less than 2000 copies/ml" is the limit of that lab for measuring the virus, so it means the level is less than 2000 and could be zero. Some labs can measure to a much lower level, but this does show that it is under control. The other shows negative also. This is good. I do think that one way to help keep hepatitis under control is to remove the iron from the liver, and I think this shows the continued progress of your chelation. Your LFT's are still on the high side but I think you may see these drop also with continued compliance, as your liver function recovers from both iron overload and a hepatitis infection. Since the LFT's are affected by time of day, can you tell us what time of day you had the blood taken?

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #91 on: January 26, 2010, 05:11:54 AM »
Since the LFT's are affected by time of day, can you tell us what time of day you had the blood taken?
i dont remember exactly but i think that was after lunch time , not sure it was just after lunch or 1-2 after lunch ....

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2010, 05:45:09 PM »
Morning tests tend to give lower results for the LFT's, so you might want to schedule your next test for morning.

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Offline nice friend

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #93 on: January 31, 2010, 10:05:17 PM »
Andy ,
i will surely  schedule LFT in morning time ,  n will try it soon ...

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #94 on: April 13, 2010, 02:15:02 AM »
My Last LFT report 05 - Jan - 2010

Test                                        Results                     Normal range
Liver Prfile ( L.F.T )
[bgcolor=#ffffff]S.TOTAL BILIRUBIN            1.5 mg/dl                   ( 0.2 - 1.25 )[/bgcolor]
S.DIRECT BILIRUBIN            0.5 mg/dl                   ( 0 - 0.15 )
[bgcolor=#ffffff]S.INDIRECT BILIRUBIN         1.0 mg/dl                   ( 0.2 - 1.2 )[/bgcolor]
GAMMA GT                         78 I.U/L                    ( 3 - 50 )
[bgcolor=#ffffff]SGPT (ALT )                       100 I.U/L                    ( 0 - 55 )[/bgcolor]
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE     192 I.U/L                  ( 28 - 124 )

Recent LFT report 07 - April - 2010

Test                                        Results                     Normal range
Liver Prfile ( L.F.T )
[bgcolor=#ffffff]S.TOTAL BILIRUBIN            1.4 mg/dl                   ( 0.2 - 1.25 )[/bgcolor]
S.DIRECT BILIRUBIN            0.5 mg/dl                   ( 0 - 0.15 )
[bgcolor=#ffffff]S.INDIRECT BILIRUBIN         0.9 mg/dl                   ( 0.2 - 1.2 )[/bgcolor]
GAMMA GT                         61 I.U/L                    ( 3 - 50 )
[bgcolor=#ffffff]SGPT (ALT )                       69 I.U/L                    ( 0 - 55 )[/bgcolor]
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE     140 I.U/L                  ( 28 - 124 )

hurrayeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!! ... another report that is showing improvement :) ... I'm really very happy :party ......


btw, i didn't manage to go in morning times ,, so, for these tests i went in evening 5-6 hours after lunch at 12 .
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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #95 on: April 13, 2010, 02:45:34 AM »

Just as expected, your hepatitis is much easier to control when you have a low iron load. This indirectly gives some evidence that your liver is getting cleaned out. I hope you can also find some success in controlling diabetes.

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #96 on: April 13, 2010, 03:20:02 AM »

I just want to stress once again that studies of patients have definitely shown better glucose tolerance once the iron load is removed from the pancreas. I think your liver iron is showing good signs of being under control. However, the other organs clean slower, so continued chelation is needed to remove pancreatic and cardiac iron deposits. Be patient. You have already seen the virtue in patience and you will continue to see this proven over the next two years. It takes 17 months of full chelation to remove half the iron from an overloaded heart. As this is being cleaned out, rest assured that the same things is happening in your pancreas. I am not saying you won't be a diabetic but your glucose tolerance should increase and the diabetes will be easier to control. Meanwhile, try the herbal methods. I believe they can do a lot to restore proper function, as long as the iron is also removed.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline nice friend

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #97 on: April 16, 2010, 04:15:34 AM »
Thanx Andy ...  as u know my Hep-C PCR report was negative and i have been treated for Hep-B last year or mayb in the last few months of 2008 .... so , the only probleme for my liver was my iron level after getting that close to normal range  m feeling very well .. I'm no more faty looking person bcze of liver.. and tummy is looking quite normal ...  abt pancreas ,, yeah as u mention that controling iron will put some effect on it and result wud b in less insulin need or no ( for No need insulin there r less chances i guess but wat i like to do is to keep hoping for the best and strugling as well and leave  rest of the things on ur luck ) ....  now iron is around normal range  since last 5-6 months ....I'm hoping for somthing good to happen :) ..... chelation is still on with ferriprox 9 tabs a day and desferal 2 desferal with Tx ... but soon i will go and discuss my Tx plan and chelation plan to my doc.. .as my i m gaining weight my blood requirement is also increasing .. so , that is sumthing that must b discussed to doc ..... it is already increased to 1 unit blood of 25 ml every 8th day .. and i think thats is a lil bit higher than 15ml/kg ... i m worried abt it ... gaining weight is bcome's like a new door to probs lolzzz....

message for all thals :
i hope thals will read this thread and wwill decide to go for chelation after seeing the positive effects of chelation ... all i wan to convey is .. keep chelating chelation is the key factor in thals life ... if u r  regular with chelation , you'll live a normal/quality life , .....

Best Regards
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 04:40:49 PM by nice friend »
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
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Offline Pratik

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #98 on: August 13, 2012, 06:38:48 AM »
Have a question about Hep. B. How would I know that I may have hep. B? I haven't done any bilirubin test, so I would identify only with SGPT? But as we take chelators, SGPT cannot be the only point we should stress and confirm that we may or may not have it. Should I get bilirubin test done the next time I transfuse, Andy?
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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #99 on: August 13, 2012, 04:39:16 PM »
You should have the hepatitis B test done. This is a routine test for anyone receiving chronic transfusions. Bilirubin results will not tell you if you carry hep.

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Offline Dharmesh

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #100 on: August 14, 2012, 10:29:17 AM »
We are getting done Hepatitis B and HIV at Civil Hospital every 6 months and both are Negative/Non Reactive.
In addition in July end i also took Vaccine of Hepatitis A and going to take booster dose of Hepatitis B soon.
Start listening your body, it always gives signs


Offline Pratik

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Re: something about Liver, iron overload, chelation, diabetes and hepatitis
« Reply #101 on: August 14, 2012, 06:41:08 PM »
Alright, I may get Hep. B done the next time, thank you.
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