Hi Every one,,

i was just wondering if any one of you know about any difference between ferriprox and kelfer,about a month ago ferriprox was not available here in karachi, we contacted zainab's doctor and asked him that if we can give her kelfer instead, he said no,he said it has more side effects then ferriprox and we don't suggest it,i think my friends from India will be able to answer this question ,any one using kelfer experienced any side effects??do u think that kelfer has more side effects then ferriprox?? another factor is the price,,ferriprox is for pk RS 7700,which is nearly 125 US $,and kelfer is for PK RS 500,which is less then even 10 US $,

So the price is also killing us,so we always thought that we won't affect our daughter's health only due to extra costs, but if kelfer is doing the same function,and same side effects ,,i think it would be a financial relief :chill,so please inform me of your experiences,let me know what you people know about the formulas of ferrirox and kelfer, is there any difference?? can we switch to kelfer?? or should continue with ferriprox??please i'd be waiting for your replies.