My daughter is 6 yrs old and when we used to split her exjade dose (now we don't as she is on a very low exjade dose due to lower ferritin level), we used to give her half the dose in the morning, immediately when she woke up. After morning routine and shower, she used to eat breakfast . so the gap betwwen 1st exjade and food used to be around 30 to 45 minutes. In the evening, we used to give her the 2nd dose, right after she came back from her school -even before she changed ...then, she used to change and settle down...then we used to give her some fruit to eat..again, the gap between exjade and eating food used to be between 20 to 30 minutes. we never saw any issue with efficiency of chelation. The key thing was the right dose/kg of her weight....not the gap between exjade and food. If you read any other post by me, we also used chocolate while taking exjade and did not see any issue.....my daughter's ferritin is currently between 300 and 600...so i feel this regimen is perfectly fine and very manageable. Hope this helps...