Boom. Im thal minor, british, and feel jus like u. Though im thirty and feel like my gallbladder has kaboomed all inside me. Im awaiting an ultrasound. Never pass a solid bowel movement (if you could see me now!lol) and lots of other issues. I see you as lucky as you have a partner. My fatigue prevents me from finding one and my ex left me for reasons related. Not being able to live up to general expectations.
I would say ditch iron 100%. Become a regular blood donor. Tan at sunbeds (thats my new thing im gonna be on!) Sun exposure seems to help me significantly. Find a good way to increase glutathione (master anti oxidant) this should protect your blood cells. Take folic acid, b12/methylcobalamine, and i guess maybe a good mutli vit. Dont be scared of salt at all (if u crave like i do) but use proper salt like celtic sea salt or himalayan crystal salt as it is unrefined and has all minerals. Listen to your cravings. Cut out refined flours, sugars, crap sugary drinks sweets etc. Eat fruit veg, good meat. Emulsified fat is easier to digest such as mayonnaise if you have gallstones.... Thers a lot to learn. I havent worked out whts rigjt for me yet but this is a random summary. All the best, and appreciate your partner
