I missed some posts when I was out West for my daughter's wedding, and after returning and being swamped with work.
Thanks for the input about using Kelfer and Exjade together. I'm glad to see more centers using this with success. I agree that patients should not give up on Kelfer easily. It is a superb chelator, and those like you who have used it for two decades are living proof of its value. I feel ibuprofen is a good choice as it is excellent for inflammation. If one can manage without opiates, that should be done.
First of all a heartily congratulations for your daughter's wedding. Hope she has a wonderful and blessed life ahead!

Next, I am getting so much inspired and motivated seeing all these posts by veterans like Poirot and Dharmesh.
I took Kelfer for most of my life till 2008 when Exjade was introduced. Kelfer is very valuable yes but it also made my joints a little out of shape and I was suffering from joint pains every now and then.
A year or year and half ago too as you know, I tried to take again Kelfer but gave up after few days of pain. I think I need to learn to adapt to pain for a couple of months maybe while taking Paracetamol to manage it. After a few months, I am sure the results will be fruitful.
Andy, Dharmesh - What is your opinion, whether I should take Desferal and Exjade or maybe avoid needles of desferal for now and try again experimenting with Exjade with Kelfer? If latter is the case, what dose would be good for start of Kelfer and any advise or precautions?