I agree 100% with Canadian family. The doctor is jumping to conclusion in a hurry. Ferritin reports are also known to be unstable and it is very likely as Canadian family said, Asunra removes iron from organs and that iron then enters in to the blood (stream/path) and is then excreted out via feces and urine. So it is very much possible that while the sample was taken, the iron was present in the blood stream.
I would advise you to wait, and do the ferritin the next time you plan transfusion and not after 2 months and see or compare the difference, so we can see what's happening.
I've been on kelfer till I was 13 and half or so. Kelfer is known for even greater side effects such as joints or bone pain, I Had a very bad joint pain in 2007 due to Kelfar which took me very long to recover.
I suggest not to jump to any conclusions for now and would advise to get the ferritin done the next time you plan her transfusion.
Also that ferritin is also not too or very high, but in middle.