I need some help from those of you that take/took Exjade in combination with Ferriprox.
A friend of mine, also with thal major had done recently her T2* mri and the result is bad. Her heart score is 8.9 - severe iron load. We had made all possible scenarios regarding what she has to do next - and when I say "we" means me and she because her doctor wasn't concern at all about the result

We came up with the combination of this two chelators ( Exjade and Ferriporx ) because 5 years ago she had develop an allergy to Desferal and since then she is on Exjade. This plan of treatment is not known by her doctor because he is strongly against any combination of Exjade with other chelators.

There for, any monitoring by medical specialist is kind of impossible. All neccesary test and follow up will be done on her own.
Please advise what she needs to monitor regarding use of Ferriprox and also this chelation combination.
What are side effects that you had or is possible to have, what tests have you done? What dose she may take? Now she has 42 kg and takes 1500 mg Exjade/day - her feritine is 300 but we decided to rule this out because she always had low levels of feritine - the only feedback is T2* next year if all goes well.
Please help because here and searching web are the only ways in going on with her treatment.