As I was reading thru some older post, it amazed me just how illogical the medical community can be. Like so many here, I was tested for BTM because of SYMPTOMS , but now that the doctors have confirmed I have BTM, all of a sudden none of my symptoms can be related to BTM

Instead, they think it is more logical to label me with multiple illnesses (chronic pain and fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines, depression, poor circulation, clotting problems, "sticky" platelets, low blood pressure, palpitations, pulm hypertension, weak immune system, etc) How can one person be so unlucky? ???sn't it more logical to assume there is ONE underlying problem causing or making me prone to all these other issues? :dunnoI'm going to try a new tactic. It would be far more productive if my doctor could at least approach it this way:
IF BTM was symptomatic, what would that look like? Just for arguments sake, let's
start with the assumption, whether you believe it or not, that btm IS the problem. How COULD btm explain everything? IF btm is the problem, what's the best way to treat it? My doctor doesn't have to believe in btm as the cause, but she does have the medical knowlege (and the power of the prescription pad and insurance access) to help me live a better life. As long as the "treatment plan for btm" causes no harm, I see no reason (except arrogance) why the doctor shouldn't humor me and "treat the btm" and see if all these other problems improve (or at least not get any worse).