Dear all,
Thank u for yr response. As i told u earlier, after getting the last ferritin report of 3219, doctor advised to change to kelfar from asunra and also to give desferal during next transfusion.
But i too am not convinced. We have continued with asunra. Have increase the dose from 200 mg to 300 mg (her weight is 12 kg). Should we say NO to desferal during next transfusion? pls advise.
As a chelator - only asunra is enough for her at this age and this much ferritin? Pls guide me.
Many thanks.....
Hi Rima,
The dosage increase will definitely aid your daughter and will help a lot. As we discussed previously, that it is good sign that it shows increase because that means the free iron is about to get removed and the process is already started. Do ferritin this time and we shall see what the reports say. When is her transfusion planned?
And no, I don't think your daughter needs desferal at this point, the doctor is jumping to conclusion at very fast pace. I would definitely say no, and that too, for one day, it has effect as much as nil.
Yes, Asunra is well enough for her age and as per her ferritin report.
Don't worry dear, all that happens, happens for good.
