Hi to all,
I hope this post finds everyone in good health!
I have two questions i'd like some feedback on. (they dawned on me while I was trying to fall asleep last night).
#1-When and after Lauryn recieves her transfusions,and she has blood drawn,for routine tests,how can they differentiate her "real"blood from the foreign blood that she has recieved?Is there an obvious marker,or will there be confusion determining her blood from the transfused in her system??
#2-Is it more benefitial for a girl to have thal b/c of menstration? I figured two things-she will be getting rid of extra iron (chelate) via this way OR she will be losing the hemoglobin quicker,and will be more tired and require more blood?
Hope you can answer these for me!
Oh! P.s.- A few comments regarding Lauryns @ mo.check up at her Pedi's office.She got 4 shots

and Both the pedi. and hemo.said the water I use for Lauryn "does'nt matter"but of course I trust all of you COMPLETLEY and started using purified right away.
Also,the pedi. said Lauryn prob.dropped her hemo.quick before, b/c she was going through her nader? What exactly is that?
She weighs 11.9 lbs and her pedi suggested I space her feedings out more. She said Lauryn is prob.eating during the night due to habit? I think it is crucial to keep her fed well as much as possible,b/c eventually she will lose a little weight when she stops feeding as well due to th hgb drop.
At her hemos office, he said she went up a point, but after referencing her previous test results, she actually dropped! Even that statement might not be correct b/c I found out that when they test her hgb,they have a machine AND a lab tech (who does it by hand) do it seperatley.So there is often two different readings.The dr. had one result from one source,and I got the results from the other source. SOOOOOO.... I really do not know exactly where she is at this point. Her dr.said regardless she is at a "safe level" and there is nothing to worry about. What is your input on this one?
I DID ASK FOR THE DNA TEST, and her hemo. said to hold off as long as possible b/c he wants to keep as much of my blood in her system as possible.( i figure since she is functioning off of the hbf?) He doesnt want to make any unnecessary blood draws. Make sense? I asked him if a flu shot can be given to her and he said he also wanted to hold off (didnt give me a reason) and as long as my housewhold was vaccinated,that would be fine. So I had my 7 year old get the shot.(poor kid).Especially because he is in school around little kids all day long.
I wanted to mention her pedi. was giving me a terrible time about giving Lauryn Low Iron formula. She still thinks I am wrong! Please tell me I am doing the right thing?!

Sorry for the long post!! I hope you guys can help me put on these questions,and any feedback regarding what the drs have been telling me.