Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...

  • 7 Replies
Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...
« on: April 27, 2012, 11:44:45 PM »
 I'm a 22 year old college student, and currently studying far away from my hometown.  I had recently been diagnosed as Thal Minor (from mom). Initially, I'm have been an excellent student in studies obtained excellent awards for it. However, it does not last long. My grades are dropping with me being barely passing each subjects. This is because after the class ended usually in the evening (around 5pm), I felt utterly tired! Until I had to sleep until 10pm.. and I dont have time to revise for a subject. My study course needed me to write lab reports constantly.. and I felt really exhausted to do so.. and I would be having meeting with friends for a project. They have to callled me through my handphone for 43 times.. to wake me up.. I told them I'm tired.. but I was only been scold by them..because they said they also tired.. And I did really bad for my presentation the next day. I cant remember the lines... and most of the time, my mind is blank! Even once during a test! And I cant understand simple concept about a topic and this make me frustrated!Oh God! Please help me from this!! I cant stand it and it affect my once-a-good-college life! Currently, I'm taking Folic acid supplement and Vitamin B-complex. But I still felt really weak and tired after all... I need one in my class had this.. if got, I could at least talk with him or her to alleviate my sufferring...


Offline Pratik

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Re: Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2012, 05:36:42 AM »
Hello Lina,

First, welcome to Thalpal, nice to meet you.

Secondly, THAL MINOR is not a big disease, infact, its NOT even a disease as per me. Its just a genetic deficiency and it DOES NOT effect your body if you eat good things and take proper care of yourself.

My brother, my father and my mother, all are Thal minors. My brother also work full day going to college and all that, and soon he would be doing a full time job as well. My father also works full day currently and is never exhausted. My mother, who takes care of me and even my house while doing the job!

What you should do is just have a good and vitamin and protein rich diets which would give you enough calories for the entire day of workload to bear.

Eat green leafy vegetables, eat badaam, almonds. Most importantly, carry lemon juice with yourself at your workplace and keep having little sip of it every once in a while. It will help regaining your energy as it has electrolytes and you shall feel much better by then.

Regarding medical supplements, I would advice you to take folic acid and also B-complex which would help you greatly as well.

Every child is special.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2012, 05:46:51 PM »
I would suggest a vitamin D test. Most people tested are found deficient and your symptoms sound as though D deficiency is part of the reason. The minimum acceptable level has been raised quite a bit in recent years, with 35 being the minimum that is considered acceptable. A level of at least 50, with 50-70 being optimum, should be the goal. Vitamin D is involved in the actions of about 10% of the genes in the human body and is responsible for the proper absorption of over 45 nutrients. Deficiency causes tiredness, fatigue, depression and a weakened immune system. It's importance cannot be understated. Large doses are necessary to correct deficiency (at least 5000 IU daily). I would also suggest adding 400 IU natural vitamin E complex daily. I also suggest that thal minors take 250-1000 mg vitamin C daily, as this is important for the health of the circulatory system. (I do not suggest high doses of C for majors). Mild to moderate exercise is also recommended. And as Pratik has advised, a healthy diet is essential. Avoid empty calories completely and concentrate on nutritious foods.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 02:28:06 AM »
Thanks Pratik for your thoughtful advice. Yes, you are right that Thal minor is not a great disease. However, for my case and some others, we felt it is..I wish I'm that strong as you are and your dear family. The hardest of all for me is that I'm studying far away from home, and my college foods.. Well, can said it is not that Nutrients-content. Their vegetable are thought to be contaminated and the worse is their fish, which some of my friends end-up in food poisoning. Well, we did complain about this to the college, however, nothing is change. So, I will be taking supplements instead of depending on my college foods for nutrients.  I can't eat the food there and I lost about 9kg for 1 year while studying there. All due to the foods. But I'm glad one of the method is to bring and drink lemon juice, and it my favourite drink! :) Once again, thanks Pratik!


Offline Pratik

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Re: Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2012, 05:10:17 AM »
Thanks Pratik for your thoughtful advice. Yes, you are right that Thal minor is not a great disease. However, for my case and some others, we felt it is..I wish I'm that strong as you are and your dear family.
Hi dear,

You are stronger than me indeed. I have thal major and you've minor. However, strong attitude doesn't depend on type of disease but your spirit to stand up high despite of the difficulties you face. Just have faith and spirit in yourself and everything shall work very good. You wish you were me and I also sometimes wish I was thal minor than being major, haha.
Every child is special.

Re: Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2012, 06:01:20 AM »
Thanks Andy and I would do the Vitamin D once I back to my hometown, would be early June. So, now I know that defeciency of Vitamin D caused fatigue, weakness and depression. All of these I had even until now which I found it to be a hindrance for my life. And yet, I have to be strong and learn to adapt it in stepwise manner. And, I want to ask 1 question. How many hours are neeeded for a Thal minor in terms of their sleep? Because even I sleep for the whole day, I  still feel really tired! And I'm still need to do my assignments.... and most of my friends, notice that my eyes underneath have black rings...


Offline gwftan

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Re: Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2012, 02:40:00 AM »

I know the sleep issues bothers but I normally have 6 hours of sleep is fine.  Even when I was studying in University in UK(15 years ago), managing test and assignments are no fun.  Besides I get myself involved in the volunteer work, I used to be working during my free time(weekends included) where I will be on standby duty as a St. John Ambulance officer.  Its no fun, especially if its a 12 hour shift, I really crash at the end of the day.  I need a few days rest, then I'm back to normal.

Getting enough sleep is essential, I still need roughly around 6 hours sleep now.  If you are asking my hb, I have hb around 8-10.  When I was working, at times I was so busy with travelling and managing presentations, meetings and a family of 2 kids.  Its even harder then to get a good night's sleep.  I am ok, if I have 4 hours sleep once in a while but I will crash at the end of the week if I persistently have only 4-5 hours sleep in a day, meaning I need to rest for the next 1-2 weeks to get back the boost.

The best for you is to nap.  I find this very useful.  If I feel like crashing, I need to nap, I mean 10-15 minutes light sleep.  I normally set my alarm just to make sure I would wake up at the end of the nap.  The nap will get you going for at least a few hours.  Long hours of sleep during the day is not only unproductive, it makes you even more tired at the end of the supposedly to be a restful period.  The most useful sleep is during the night, if you are able to sleep through.  I find that very essential to have good night's rest. 

I hope this little piece of advice will help you.

Re: Thal Minor- Seeking for comfort...
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2012, 10:48:52 PM »

I am new to this site.  After reading your post my heart goes out to you.  I have lived as a Thal minor my whole life.  I am currently 30 years old but when i went to college I was tired ALL the time as well. Something that helped me was to schedule my classes for later in the day that way I could sleep later in the morning.  I can promise you that you will get through this.  College is very demanding and although you do not have Thal major I know the type of exhaustion you experience.  Unfortunately taking supplements and vitamins didnt really help me.  The truth is when you crash your body is done and there is nothing else you can do.  After college I started working full time and I was always very tired and I got sick a lot.  I think carrying the trait effects everyone in different ways.  I got the trait from my mom and she gets tired a lot herself.  My mother and I both push ourselves but sometimes you need to just listen to your body and sleep when you can. Unfortunately, I can tell you that you will battle the exhaustion all your life but you will learn to adapt and come up with things that help u get through it.  I am now pregnant and I have already needed three blood transfusions because my hemoglobin keeps dropping.  I never recieved a transfusion before the pregnancy but i also never monitored my hemoglobin religiously either.  You might want a hemotologist to check how low you are see if this is something that you may need.  You have to be really low for a transfusion but if you are that wiped out you might be that low.  I hope this helps. 
Mare : )


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