Hemolgobin levels

  • 2 Replies
Hemolgobin levels
« on: October 16, 2012, 09:42:04 PM »
Hi there Can anybody help me to convert the hemoglobin levels that everyone is posting over here in new Zealand we must measure hemoglobin level differently
I have thalasseima minor and my hemoglobin sits at about 112
my partner who doesnt have talasseima his sit at 157
During my first pergnancy my hemoglobin started at 127 and slowly dropped to 80 docs said they would offer me a blood transfusion if it got down to 75

I am very greatful for this site as i have to seen doctors that say it wont effect you but i know it has ans I am now a little concered as i am pregnant again and my hemoglobin never whent back up to 127 so iam wondering if it will drop more this time

thank you


Offline Valkyria

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Re: Hemolgobin levels
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2012, 03:02:50 AM »
The measurement you're using is g/l (grams per liter), most people here use g/dL (grams per deciliter) which changes the measurement by an order of magnitude. Hb of 112 g/l = 11.2 g/ dl, 75 g/l = 7.5 g/dl

Re: Hemolgobin levels
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2012, 10:28:19 PM »
thank you so much i can now understand what everyone else is talking about


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