Hello all,
My name is Mai and my nationality is Hmong (Asian minority ethnic group from Southern Asia) and I would like to know information about Hemoglobin H Disease, but what I want to know more is how genetic works. I am very confused right now.
I am relieved to find people that has Hemoglobin H Disease to share their stories here because as for now I am in the state of shock that my baby boy has Hemoglobin H Disease

and he is only 7 weeks old. The newborn screening shows that he has 15% barts and when his predictrician explained it to me I was puzzled and confused about all these new information that she given me. So my husband and I had to take my baby and us to do a special test and draw all three of our blood to check on our DNA to see which parent is the carrier of Alphathalassemia or who has it. I actually got the result in yesterday and the doctor confirmed that my baby has Hemoglobin H Disease saying that "laboratory result revealed a southeaster asian, 2 alpha globin gene deletion and a single alpha gene deletion." With a 15% F A Bart. She then told me that from the blood test of my husband and I, my husband has an alpha deletion results in A2 of 2.3 % and normal FEP in which he suggestive that he is the silent carrier. But for me, I am normal and just need to take iron supplement because I am anemic of FEP 189 and normal A2.
So here is the confusing part. Since I been researching about Hemoglobin H Disease, information says that child that has Hemoglobin H Disease comes from parents that had genetics of alphathalassemia. In order for my son to have Hemoglobin H Disease, 3 of his alpha gene is not working. But how can that be possible when my husband is only a carrier with 3 working genes and I am normal with 4 working genes? How is all these genetic calculated? Or do we need a deeper blood DNA test if my husband has the disease and not a carrier or do I have the disease or carrier? It is so confusing. Help me out here please. I want explanation.
Other than that, right now my baby boy is recovering from his fever. I don't know what caused his fever but he had a high fever for the past 2 days. I was scared that his blood count will be low..and doctor did say it was a little low but he should be fine. Anyway, I am looking forward to hear some replies. Thank you.