WOW. Read a few of the stories...they sound all too familiar. I'm 44, was diagnosed with Beta Thalassemia Minor awhile back.
Low blood pressure, slow pulse, episodes of out-of-the-blue syncope when I was a kid. The Docs had no idea what was going on*, other than microcytosis. Classic migraine w/aura diagnosis when I was 13, in addition.
A Doctor found Beta Thalassemia Minor during a pre-employment screening. At the time, I was told that essentially I didn't have anything to worry about, unless I became symptomatic. Well, now I am. Reading through the stories, I realize I have been for awhile. Fatigue, joint pain, etc. I just chalked that up to aging and the pressures of being a single parent.
Also experiencing splenic enlargement and a degree of iron overload. I have an appointment in 2 weeks.
Going te be reading here a'plenty.

BTW, my Dad has Beta Thalassemia Minor and had his spleen taken out some years ago.
*Amended to add "other than microcytosis"