Dear Mr Andy
Her serum iron is 20 um/l
I did CBC and some test already, results as below:
1. CBC
HCB: 161
HCT: 0.454
RBC: 4.89
MCV: 93
MCH: 32.9
MCHC: 353
RDW: 12.8
2. Hemoglobin Elec
HBA 97.4%
HBA2: 2.6%
3. Osmotic Fragility
Start: 0.7
Complete: 0.425
My mother in law already passed away since she have a stroke, also, my mother in law's sister had a stroke in the past but recovered (both have pale skin) another of her sister have white skin seems stronger
My wife and me already have 2 fail pregnancy
1st: 8 weeks gestation miscarriage
2nd: 35w preterm delivery, the boy, live in NICU, after 2 days develop jaundice and required phototheraphy, but still severe jaundice, at days 7 turn ill and doctor find some internal bleeding, hyperbillirubin. They decided to full transfusion but after that he had multi organ defunction and passed away
Anyhow, Mr Andy, DNA analysis in Vietnam maybe can not have fully like developed country.
In case of PCR target beta-thalassemia, first of all the doctor wanted to find 7 mutation but the lab only can do 3 of them (lack of chemical use for other)
PCR for alpha-thalassemia maybe in Viet Nam don't have that kind of chemical
But one thing I wonder why the hematology specialist in Thalassemia in Vietnam National Hospital of Hematology said my wife "absolutely was not a thal carrier, and her CBC is "normal", MCV 70 and high RBC is "normal"