Hi Everyone,
First i just wanted to say thank you so much for your
replies and kind words. It means so much to me to
know that other people are here. When Eric and I
first got together in 2003 I had a hard time finding
any information on Thalassemia. At the time I did
not even know what it was. Now there is this site
and I am so thankful. :hug
Eric (my hubby) was born in '63. Growing up he
was teased for looking different. Even now we
get comments and especially stares. He has gone
into stores where the clerk has said to him, "are
you going to puke?" because of the way he looks.
Pale, greyish/green skin. People have called him
kermit or frog. The cruelty has shocked me at
times. We are both from small towns in Ontario
Canada so prejudices are still very common. It
disgusts me. I dont see those things in him, never
have. But I do see how tired he is all of the time,
or how easily he can get sick. I know he cannot
do what most people can do, physically. He does
not see a hemotologist presently. I am trying to
get him interested in it. He has been through
some very painful procedures and i think that in
part has led him to hate the site of doctors.
I believe that his family was in denial even after
he almost died many times as a child. It was to
painful for them. His parents split up eventually
and Erics' health just got lost in translation i
suppose. He has only been hospitalized when
something serious occurs(like he almost dies

and other than that he just deals on a day to
day schedule. He off and on takes folic acid.
Thank you for the tea tip. He likes it so that
shouldn't be a problem. I was wondering about
all the current treatments, like the pump, does
anyone use it? and if so how has it affected
your lives? I forget my others questions at
the moment but i'll come on later when i
remember them. Eric doesn't like me coming
on to these sites because he thinks i am spilling
personal info about him...which i guess in a way
i am. But i need to talk to someone. So thank
you again for being there for me. I appreciate
more then you can know. All of you. Talk to
you all later.
thanks again,