
  • 2 Replies
« on: December 07, 2012, 02:47:59 AM »
Hi Everyone,
I thought I was 12 weeks pregnant when we went in for the ultrascreen sonogram the day after thanksgiving this year and found no heartbeat and a fetus that was only measuring 9.5 weeks. I miscarried the following Monday. I am a beta thalassemia carrier.
Of course, it could have happened for a number of reasons not related to thalassemia and we are waiting for the results from the genetic tests on the fetus for that part and that is when I found this site.

From the beginning ultrasounds I was about week off what I and the Dr. had predicted based on first day of LMP.  She said I must have just ovulated late this month- thinking more about this it would have been difficult to conceive when she thinks I did( if I did in fact ovulate late), i really didnt think anything was wrong with the comment about ovulating late until i miscarried.
 So I am thinking this may be slow growth, does this happen this early? I haven’t been able to find much on first trimester growth restriction from thalassemia although some posts here have had people saying similar things.

Anyway, based on reading a lot of posts here I have made changes for next time. I changed to a Prenatal without iron (my previous prenatal had 30mg in a daily dose) and I have a low dose iron supplement if future testing shows I do in fact need this. The new prenatal has 1000 mcg of folic acid, getting some additional and Vitamin D and Vitamin E for potential clotting issues.

 My Hgb is normal but low normal and always has been and I have been told on numerous occasions by doctors to take iron supplements in addition to by my OB at the 8 week visit –“start an iron supplement when you get into the 2nd trimester” which I didn’t get up to and it seems I shouldn’t unless I am certainly deficient. I have requested my most recent blood work to have actual numbers.

Please forgive me, I know a lot of this has already been covered in many, many posts, if I repeat any previously covered information.  But I just needed to vent a little bit..

Thanks. Any additional insight is very much appreciated.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Pregnancy
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2012, 03:17:03 PM »
Hi Kay,

We have seen better results from pregnancy when folic acid is taken in doses up to 5 mg daily and natural vitamin E of 400-800 IU daily is used. Iron may be needed during pregnancy if Hb drops significantly but there should not be an assumed need unless testing shows deficiency.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Pregnancy
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 03:39:26 AM »
Hi Kay,

I just wanted to say that I am saddened to hear about loding your baby.  I hope that you will have perfect success this next time knowing what you know now.



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