Hi Janine,
In addition to your multi-vitamin, you should also be taking folic acid. Thal minors have found doses of 2-5 mg daily help them have successful pregnancies. Folic acid is essential anyway for all women of child bearing age, but because thal minors tend to have a large drop in hemoglobin level during pregnancy, the higher dosage is needed to help build the red blood cells that mother and baby will need. Because miscarriage is a concern for many thal minor women, I also recommend that women take 400 IU of natural vitamin E daily, as this helps to counter a clotting condition that sometimes occurs in thal pregnancies, that causes a reduced blood flow between uterus and placenta, causing miscarriage. We have had hundreds of reports from thal minor women who have miscarried, often 2 or more times. Even though minors are not recognized by the medical profession as being at risk for miscarriage, the amount of thal minor women who have reported miscarriages here is startling, so I do put much emphasis on these reports. I also put much weight into the reports from women who have taken high doses of folic acid and also taken vitamin E, and I am convinced it can make a difference in the rate of successful pregnancies.