Medicines taken by Thalassemia carriers and non Thalassemia carriers

  • 1 Replies
Hello Andy and everyone else, my father has (beta thalassemia trait), from what i have discovered he has suffered with poor health since childhood and still is as an elder now.

Question is: Can medicine such as Antibiotics, Painkillers, Etc effect people whom are thalassemia carriers differently than a non thalassemia carrier.

Can the medicines cause a thalassemia carrier to function differently in mind and psychically.

Many Thanks


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Medicines taken by Thalassemia carriers and non Thalassemia carriers
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2012, 03:40:38 PM »
Hi girl_musk,

Some medications are known to cause hemolysis, or destruction of red blood cells in thals. This is more common in alpha thals but we have also had reports of this occurring in beta thals. Sulfa drugs are the most well known cause, but other drugs and chemicals, such as moth balls, are also known to be causes. Even certain painkillers are on this list, as are common broad beans, fava beans. The effect of hemolysis can be measured in a drop in hemoglobin level. Symptoms would be tiredness and fatigue, a lowered immune system, headaches, numbness in the extremities and clouded mental abilities. If his symptoms are a result of hemolysis, you may want to examine the list at,3410.msg34830.html#msg34830
See if you can connect his behavior with him being exposed to any of the items on the list. An easy way to learn of this is happening is simply by having his Hb level tested during periods when the symptoms are apparent.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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