Dear Poirot,
If you have the medicine Natvie then please check that whether it is written as d alpha tochopheryl(Natural) or dl alpha tochopheryl (Synthetic).
There is no where written that Natvie C is NATURAL. you can check the following website.
This site is very helpful in finding any medicine branded or generic. Very helpful
I have personally bought medicine Natural E from gncindia.
Dear Pratik,
IP-6 is still difficult to find, even doc don't want to speak single word on it
GNC India, is it available in local medical stores?
About IP6,
Yes Dharmesh, you're correct. Very few doctors might be hardly knowing about IP-6 and it's benefits in India. That's why I ordered it online and I feel good, so I'll continue to take it, as it has so many benefits
including reversing diabetes and making glucose metabolism effective.
I will be also ordering L-carnitine shortly as Andy suggested.
Also it's sad that the insurance company that had tie up with my dad's company has now refused to pay the bills as they have now stopped paying for genetic disease like Thalassemia. Although I wasn't getting any compensation for these online drugs, but they help immensely so I'll continue to take them.