People can never truly understand something that they are not experiencing themselves.
I mean if we look at people who stutter when they speak, it seems so easy to easy to converse, effortlessly! Yet somehow, for them it seems like they are trying to climb a mountain. The struggles in that, we can't even begin to imagine!
The only way really is to undertake self-improvement.
Vitamins, plenty of sleep, a little bit of exercise, and your mind set can do wonders for yourself!
Personally, I take my multivitamins every morning (the one without iron of course ;) and try getting as much sleep as I can in a day! Also, it's good to work your stamina a bit, hence brisk evening walks or even cycling around a lake. It's good for your mind and body!
You will definitely see a huge improvement in your quality of life with just some extra efforts.
The mind set is also I think very important. My parents raised me to think that I'm not special, that I'm just like any other 7 billion people in the world and that there are others even worse off than me.
I guess that really did change the way I handled my thallassemia. I hated when my teachers wanted to give me "special permit" to not do sports, or when people gave me their pity face. It made me challenge myself even more.
At one point, i took 2 part time jobs and yes, that was tiring as hell but it was a personal goal that I achieved.
Start mixing the 2 in life and it'll start to become better!
For sure
