Driving licence renewal

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Driving licence renewal
« on: April 13, 2013, 12:12:42 PM »
Hi guys,

i wander if some one can help me in this matter, i went to renew my driving licence, i ve already renew it 10 years ago without problems. ANyway i went there on Friday and the doctor refused to renew it, she said that i had to go to a special medical commission so that they can check me up and make sure that my thalassemia won't impair me from driving normally.

Now i am italian, i have an italian/european driving licence, i have renew it normally already 10 years ago. Could anyone tell me if this is true that i have to have special tests or if I've  just found an incompetent that wants to make my life more difficult.

Is there a law that state that thalassemic need special requirements for the driving licence? have i been lucky the first time around or unlucky this time?

i would appreciate any info about this.

thank you very much.


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