Hello Andy,
Thank you for the informative reply.
I have been communicating with Dr. Neufeld and am trying to nail down the best doctor to see at Children's Hospital in Boston.
And, yes, I am iron deficient according to serum/ferritin/TIBC tests and the like.
The problem, one of many, is food. Meat in major doses daily (pounds) has not helped in the past rather quite the opposite.
Now most meat and food in general just makes me ill or rather something else is going on to make me not tolerate food. So, I have been avoiding it ... although I have been trying to eat a lot more for the past two weeks. I still get woozy and have to lie down.
But, my situation with doctors is that I go to see them and then they won't do tests or refer me or try to figure things out. Any feedback as to how to get them to do it right the first time?