Does anyone have experience or information on delta beta thalassemia (also called f thalassemia)

We are looking at the file of a 19 month old in China who is listed with beta thalassemia, but has very high fetal hemoglobin (even now, at 19 months of age). I understand this can be characteristic of delta beta thal.
I also believe that sometimes delta beta thal can be more like minor or intermedia and sometimes more like major.
One of our sons has beta thal major, so we are fully prepared for beta thal major with this next child.
The high fetal hemoglobin is throwing us off a bit.
Wondering if others have experience with this...
fetal hem. is 98.5 (now I'm not sure if there's a decimal issue and it's supposed to really be 9.85 or if 98.5 is really correct...)