Just received supplements from Puritan.com

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Offline Pratik

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Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« on: March 02, 2013, 07:10:20 AM »
Just received my supplements from Puritan.com (Pruitan's Pride), very happy.

I searched a lot in Thalpal and on Google about Puritan, some from here who ordered resided in India and they took very long to receive supplements or not sure if they received, this was like 5-6 years back old posts. So I thought to give Puritan a try and I'm glad I did. So I thought about making a new topic and informing anyone who might be feeling insecure to order from them.

Took about 11 days to reach India.

Here is what I ordered if anyone wonders:

1. 1 + 1 free Milk Thistle extract.
2. 1 + 1 free IP6.
3. 1 + 1 free Green tea extract.
4. 1 + 1 free Magnesium Citrate.

I ordered magnesium citrate because these whey protein and all supplements have adequate calcium but not magnesium and to maintain the ratio, I ordered it additionally. Magnesium Citrate is one of the highest absorbing magnesium type.

My order's cost was about $83 (supplements costs less but shipping makes more than half of it). So I was not charged any customs.

So my advise would be to anyone (especially residing in India or neighboring countries, who want to order it) to keep the total cost under 90 USD (including shipping) to be possibly saved from customs.

Thanks Andy for mentioning the site, you just can't beat their 1+1 free and 2+3 free offer, moreover their prices are sensible as they itself manufacture it. Their prices are lol, also cheap including shipping than the ones by GNC (GuardianNutrition.in or gnc.com) who charges ridiculous amount of money.

Overall a pleasant experience.

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Offline Rashmi

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 04:01:17 AM »

Kindly check www.goodlife. I order my wheatgrass from there. Products are delivered within 5 days. Found some Vitamin E there. Looks like the natural ones. Kindly check and tell me plz.

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Offline Dharmesh

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 06:20:14 AM »
Hi Rashmi,

Natvie Forte is a natural Vit E available in India at Pharmacy shop.

Our one senior member has a bad experience with goodlife (discussion can be found somewhere on board) , ordered vit E. So check twice the product.

Some senior thals also help to get wheatgrass tablets in mumbai. you can contact them for wheatgrass tablets.

Here is the full discussion

« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 06:29:03 AM by HANUMANT AASHRIT »
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Offline Rashmi

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2013, 08:17:01 AM »
Hi Rashmi,

Natvie Forte is a natural Vit E available in India at Pharmacy shop.

Our one senior member has a bad experience with goodlife (discussion can be found somewhere on board) , ordered vit E. So check twice the product.

Some senior thals also help to get wheatgrass tablets in mumbai. you can contact them for wheatgrass tablets.

Here is the full discussion



Is it the quality or time with goodlife coz I have been ordering my wheatgrass(powder) from that site only. I find it convinient because of their cod option. Thanks for the feedback

Keep calm and face.


Offline Rashmi

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 01:34:01 PM »
pratik and aashrit

where can I buy IP6 in India?

Keep calm and face.


Offline Pratik

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 04:27:55 PM »
pratik and aashrit

where can I buy IP6 in India?
Hi Rashmi,

IP6 is unfortunately not available in India. No one has even heard about it surprisingly.

You can order from Puritan.com. My best advise would be to order few supplements under $90 (including shipping to be saved from customs charges) at once. Puritan is also having a very good sale right now of Buy 1 and get 2 free (usually 1 on 1 free), so my advise will be to order key supplements like IP6, Milk Thistle, Vitamin E and Vitamin D if possible. It usually takes 11-18 days for their parcel to arrive at home and will be usually delivered by your local postman.

Every child is special.


Offline Rashmi

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2013, 04:29:55 AM »
Hi Rashmi,

IP6 is unfortunately not available in India. No one has even heard about it surprisingly.

You can order from Puritan.com. My best advise would be to order few supplements under $90 (including shipping to be saved from customs charges) at once. Puritan is also having a very good sale right now of Buy 1 and get 2 free (usually 1 on 1 free), so my advise will be to order key supplements like IP6, Milk Thistle, Vitamin E and Vitamin D if possible. It usually takes 11-18 days for their parcel to arrive at home and will be usually delivered by your local postman.

Thanks Pratik. will get it soon.

Keep calm and face.


Offline Pratik

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2013, 06:44:14 AM »
Also Rashmi make sure for Vitamin D that it's D3 and not D2. D3 works good and fast and is better absorbed than D2, D2 is just a waste in my opinion.

Also milk thistle is very important for liver health, can't stress it enough.

My ALT/AST used to stay above 90 or 100 most of the times. But not after taking milk thistle, now it always revolves around 50 and sometimes also in 40s.

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Offline Dharmesh

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2013, 06:30:30 AM »
I remembered that u r taking Rocaltrol which is Calcitriiol , Vitamin D2. It is preferred by many doctors here..
I too have seen good effect of Calcitriol combined Calcium and zinc capsules.. like Gemitrol, Caldikind and Gemcal the branded one. It also helped my one friend who had serious osteoporosis and bone fractured was not healing well. Now healing well and have no more pain with the help of Caldikind and Calcirol Sachet.

So both types of D are good.

It is nice to learn that yr ALT/AST is decreasing, it was too happened with me after i started Deferasirox. As it has good effect, Liver iron get reduced by it so the level reached normal..It seems that ur liver iron is decreasing.
Start listening your body, it always gives signs


Offline Pratik

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2013, 05:19:39 PM »
I remembered that u r taking Rocaltrol which is Calcitriiol , Vitamin D2. It is preferred by many doctors here..
I too have seen good effect of Calcitriol combined Calcium and zinc capsules.. like Gemitrol, Caldikind and Gemcal the branded one. It also helped my one friend who had serious osteoporosis and bone fractured was not healing well. Now healing well and have no more pain with the help of Caldikind and Calcirol Sachet.

So both types of D are good.

It is nice to learn that yr ALT/AST is decreasing, it was too happened with me after i started Deferasirox. As it has good effect, Liver iron get reduced by it so the level reached normal..It seems that ur liver iron is decreasing.

That's nice to hear D.

I actually take D3 from Puritan, but Rocaltrol is nice too. But 5-6 pills of Rocaltrol could be easily converted to 1 pill by taking Puritan's. Also they are very very cheap compared to even Rocaltrol. So I'd suggest to go for Puritan to you, too.

Yes, I'm seeing good effects too. D is immensely helpful.

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Offline Rashmi

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2013, 05:29:31 AM »
Pratik and Aashrit,

I take these Calcirol sachets. In between twice, was pescribed Gemcal/osteospray nasal spray, 3 months. Frankly speaking, I have not received any visible relief but one thing, I am maintaining myself with all these medicines put together. been taking Idrofos 150 monthly for last 7/8 years now. Last year, my ortho prescribed Zolendronic Acid, asked me to confirm with my haemat ( not experienced to handle thal patients). My specialist advised a few tests before going for Zolendronic acid. will confirm with me next month.

kind attention Andy, what is your views on zolendronic acid?

Keep calm and face.


Offline Dharmesh

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2013, 06:02:04 AM »
Dosage of Calcirol and Gemcal is utmost important. Calcium needed by thals is 500-1350mg daily and Vit D is 5000 I.U. if levels are low. Calcirol 60000 I.U. is suggested every week for 4 weeks and then once a month, if levels are good.

Have u had Hydroxy 25 Vit D level checked??
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Offline Rashmi

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2013, 08:20:41 AM »
Dosage of Calcirol and Gemcal is utmost important. Calcium needed by thals is 500-1350mg daily and Vit D is 5000 I.U. if levels are low. Calcirol 60000 I.U. is suggested every week for 4 weeks and then once a month, if levels are good.

Have u had Hydroxy 25 Vit D level checked??

yes Aashrit,

nothing is normal, I am deficient in all. but the thing is I am just fed up with medicines now. My back as well as my head, is setting in an aversion in me towards all medicines. I am taking the calcirol sachets, weekly and 1000 mg calcium daily.

Thanks Aashrit, take care

Keep calm and face.


Offline Dharmesh

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2013, 08:09:18 AM »

yes Aashrit,

nothing is normal, I am deficient in all. but the thing is I am just fed up with medicines now. My back as well as my head, is setting in an aversion in me towards all medicines. I am taking the calcirol sachets, weekly and 1000 mg calcium daily.

Thanks Aashrit, take care

Hey Rashmi,
Which calcium u r taking presently? Gemcal?
Don't be too much stressed and depressed.
We have to smile in each and every situation as it can bring smile on face of our family..
There are so many people who are having worst condition than us..

So always be happy.
Keep calm and Faith
Start listening your body, it always gives signs


Offline Pratik

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Re: Just received supplements from Puritan.com
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2013, 07:12:30 AM »

Do not worry at all. We all are here to support each other.

I've seen some very deadly days in my life, even the days when I was asking to die instead of baring the unbearable pain due to osteoporosis. And look today, however, I'm still not reverted back exactly to how I was, but I'm slowly approaching that with keeping on my supplements regularly.

I agree that supplements can sometime be very tedious to be taken and mood swings can occur, but think of the brighter future they're going to bring.

Talking of March 2013, I could not sit on my joints and I had to immediately wake up as my leg joints felt extremely brittle. That's when the ordered D3 from Puritan came and I started to take it religiously combining it with calcium/magnesium. I did initially took mega doses of 20,000 IU/day for around a month or a slight more and currently taking 15,000/day until my next report which should be in around 5-6 days and will see if I need to adjust the dose or what.

And within a month or so of taking D3 and things regularly, oh boy my legs are now turning back like the old Pratik had at one time before Osteoporosis. When now I bend down on my knees to look for something under the bed or sofas or so, I don't get that much pain there neither I feel brittle and this is only improving day by day, every day.

So once you will start seeing the results, you'll yourself be quite motivated to take supplements. Remember, supplements are not optional for thals, make it your religion and promise to yourself to take it every day for yourself, for your betterment and your family, too.

I'd definitely recommend ordering some key supplements like D3 (Puritan has reduced prices and now you can get 200 softgels in one bottle instead of 100, previously and they've good buy 1 get 2 free offer running currently), Calcium, Magnesium Citrate, Milk Thistle, to be very least, if possible.

You'll definitely start noticing the difference.

I now officially throwed away my osteoporosis medicines (Risedronate - Risophos) after taking D3, otherwise I was taking them since past 3 and half years at every week and couldn't do without them. Actually it feels very great and even more great when you take the control of your body and start changing your life.

Remember, the control is in your hands!


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