Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.

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Offline Berlian

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Andy or anyone, help me. I have thalassemia minor and i newly had experienced fatigue for once. It's been two months I have fatigue, frequent drowsiness, dizziness. Though my hemoglobin are in the safe zone is 14. What happen to my body? I beg you, help me.

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2013, 02:30:19 PM »
Has your vitamin D level been checked? The level should be at least 35. Most people checked are deficient and it does cause fatigue, and is implicated in many other health issues. Also, do you take vitamin E?

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Offline Berlian

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2013, 12:09:54 AM »
Andy, thanks for answering. Honestly I have yet to check the levels of vitamin D, and E in my body. But the fatigue that I experienced is similar to the symptoms of anemia as easy drowsiness, pain in the neck, sometimes headaches, and accompanied by disorientation. I wonder why i suffered with anemia symptoms? This is my complete blood count data  :

WBC 8.48
RBC 6.66
HGB 13.7
HCT 42.6
MCV 64.0
MCH 20.6
MCHC 32.2
PLT 345
RDW-CV 18.8
RDW-SD 39.5
PDW 8.8
MPV 9.4
P-LCR 20.1

Please, reply again Andy or everyone here. Thank you very much.

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Offline Berlian

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2013, 02:46:15 AM »
for additional, I started one week
ago began regularly consume
800 mcg of folic acid, vitamin E
100 IU, vitamin b1 100 mg, b6 200
mg, b12 200 mcg per day.
Approximately what supplements
I take can reduce my symptoms of
anemia? If it can, how long do I
have to wait and see? And one
more, from 1 week ago I also
often sit in chair under the sun every 7 am to 9 am to
boost vitamin D as Andy

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Offline Pratik

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2013, 05:16:52 AM »

As Andy said, get your D levels checked. Low D levels often leads to drowsiness. My levels are 26 (low) currently and I'm trying to up it to around 40 and above but it's extremely hard. You do need to consume supplements if levels are low, no doubt sitting in Sun is great, but low levels do need supplements.

I'm currently taking 60,000 IU daily for 12 days and then I'd be on 10-20,000 IU daily for more 20-30 days and then 10,000 IU for next couple of days and then finally going to be on 5,000 IU daily as a maintenance dose and to up the levels simultaneously. So supplementing is beneficial.

Also, yes, B-Complex (B1,B6,B12) will help you fight fatigue (it helped me, too) but don't expect a drastic or a sudden change. It takes some time for effects to be seen. I'd also suggest you up your Vitamin E dosage to 400 IU and if possibly, try to take natural E (d-alpha topocherol) and not synthetic (dl-alpha topocherol).

I order now my most of supplements from, they've great prices on D and other supplements, you may want to check it out.


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Offline Berlian

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2013, 05:48:44 AM »
Thank you very much Pratik!

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Offline gwftan

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2013, 01:53:27 PM »
Dear Berlian,

I wanted to post this earlier but i had been rather lazy to type on the tablet especially on certain sites.  My internet has been bad, sometimes the page that I'm typing refresh I lost all that was typed.  Now I am using a laptop, that's more secure.

Ok... i actually have some suggestion but I don't know whether you wanted to try it or not.  I had hb of 8 over a year and a half ago.  Due to constant worry, it stays that way.  I also resorted to transfusion but after one transfusion, I decided, it doesn't help me for long because after a week, the hb went back down again.  So I got sick of it I went to Singapore but no result.

I don't believe I have vitamin D deficiency because I am under the sun most of the time, sending the children to and from school, running errands, since you and I live in a SEA(South East Asia) country I don't think we actually face deficiency unless you are always inside the building :) 

My husband went around looking for answers and his friend suggested trying up qi gong because his friend is someone who needs transfusion, reversed it to be to donate blood.  I had another qigong teacher also told me the same thing, she is anaemic, turned it around and are able to donate blood by diligently practicing qigong.  Therefore last year January 2012 I started qi gong.  I am still practicing it now, although not everyday.  If I do it everyday, I believe it would help me more but I'm a bit lazy.... i only practice during practice session with fellow friends on Mon, Wed and Fri nights only.  The qigong I practice is called Soaring Crane Qi Gong.  You can try other forms of qi gong as well, if you cant follow this.

To cut the story short.  My hb in Jul 2011 is 8.  In March 2012(3 months after qigong)  I took a FBC, my hb is 10.  In Sept 2012, its 9.8.  In December 2012, its 10.2.  Its still low but it has actually increased and fatique actually decreased.  I still need a short nap in the afternoon, sometimes at night, if I plan to stay up a bit late.  I mean really short nap... 10 mins will do.  That sort of nap which you fell into deep sleep. 

I can't say this qi gong had healed me completely, but on the way to recovery.  I still have other health issue which you can check up to see whether you're also having this problem.  When you talk about dizziness and drowsiness, are you sure you don't any allergy issue?  I had dizziness although my hb is 10.  Now I had tinnitus, its been there for a long time but half a year ago it has been bad.  I can hear sound 24/7, feel like "crazy" but I stayed on.  I told my hematology clinic, doc in charge I had this "hearing" problem during my last check-up in December.  I asked if its normal to hear(tinnitus) if hb is low(10).  She said my hb is not very low to have this, so its not the hb problem.  I never asked because I thought this is normal for people with low hb to have tinnitus.

She sent me to ENT.  Diagnosis solved.... I haven't solved the tinnitus issue, apparently what I am suffering is called allergic rhinitis based on my symptoms(nasal congestion, post nasal drip).  She run a scope to check which confirms it.  At least I know why I am giddy and sleepy, it could be from this allergy.  I am happy I finally found out answers to my problem - long years of facing post-nasal drip but never knew where it comes from but unhappy at the same time, I'm adding another medical problem in my health. 

So I don't know whether this is a word of encouragement, I only suggest you look at other alternatives.  First, be calm. I function well with low Hb, I can drive and go along with my life, although I may be sooo dizzy and drowsy because I have kids I need to fetch and I have mouth to feed.  If you are under immense stress, it will not raise up your hb, as from my personal experience.

Second, I told you about my allergy problem.  Maybe you have the same problem that I have?  Then it would solve why your hb is normal but feeling anemic.  From my point of view you don't look anaemic based on your blood resullt.

Three, I can suggest you try out qi gong or tai chi.  I think you are a Chinese based on your features.  I don't know whether you believe in Chinese Medicine.  I have turned upside down from the Western point of view(reading lots of materials) but found no answers to my problem(s) only more medication, more supplement.  From Chinese Medicine point of view, its wonderful.  I found a lot of resources I read up and feel wonderful because I can relate it with my problems.  From what I read and learnt, all our diseases not yet diagnosed means its under a gray zone of health.  The medical test would not pick up any signs until its too late.  In order to prevent it from getting worse, you will need to take charge of your health.  You could try out seeing a TCM practitioner because sometimes the problem we have is imbalances in our body.  We only need to balance it. 

Qi Gong is another wonderful way of exercise and a great way to obtain qi, which is the life force of the body.  Taking Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, etc etc are all other alternatives to balance up the body.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2013, 02:30:37 PM »
Your blood count looks pretty good. I doubt your fatigue is related to low Hb. You may have a low D level and this can be tested. Testing for vitamin E levels is not needed. The effects of E are needed though, as it is a powerful antioxidant that can combat the oxidating effects of the ongoing destruction of red blood cells and also the effects of the production of ineffective red blood cells that occur in thalassemia. I agree with gwftan that you may find help with physical therapies. Exercise is very important, but a disciplined approach can reap even more rewards.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Berlian

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2013, 02:32:42 PM »
Wow, thank you for answering so long. Granted that I'm surprised with the condition of my body, I have a pretty normal hb levels. But feel the symptoms of anemia. Whereas most patients with thalassemia minor usually experience anemia if their hb levels fell by 2 or 3 points. About allergies seem not that. Cause I is not never experience symptoms like this before. I had new to experience symptoms of anemia. Qi gong huh? It is also interesting suggestions from you. Can you explain a little bit about qi gong? Thank you.

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Offline Berlian

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2013, 02:38:48 PM »
It really makes me confused Andy. With hb levels almost 14, I still feel tired, frequent drowsiness, dizziness. Whereas almost all patients with thalassemia minor gripe if they hb levels down 2 or 3 numbers. Or it could be I experienced the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome? What may be a minor thalassemia patient suffering from a rare syndrome that? Additionally, for vitamin D will I try to fully it. Thank you Andy.

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Offline Pratik

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2013, 04:23:34 PM »
Vitamin D might be culprit in your case as Andy said. Do you get enough exposure to sun daily? (not talking about events happening since a week, or even a month, but generally talking in terms of several years).

Definitely get your D levels checked.

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2013, 01:49:44 AM »
Hi Berlian,

Yes, I am not a fanatic of qigong but therapeutic, it has raised my hb and I feel that a little exercise and calmness would be good.  Don't you think?  I told you before I read and read a lot of western books, went for a lot of checks, bloodtest, gallstone, X-ray, all revealed nothing.  So I am actually a bit dissapointed I found "nothing" that tells what's wrong with me.  Some people would think I'm getting a bit "crazy" like my husband cos when he saw my supplements, he asked, are you sick or what?  What's wrong with you?  I cannot answer, I only feel uncomfortable, pain here and there, nothing to describe, BP test tells my blood pressure normal, pulse normal.   So who can tell me what's wrong.  After learning this qigong, I started reading Chinese medicine(I don't read Chinese by the way, my Chinese is very bad or else I would have grab more books to read).  It has answers to my problems, so I "roughly" know what's wrong only don't know how to "cure" because curing needs to find a really good TCM doctor who are able to work with your body.  Qigong is another method but deep clearing needs a more efficient method- TCM doctor).

I actually lost all my quotes so I have retype in in Ms Word and transfer it back here.  I am quoting this whole text from the book I am reading now(from the library) because I think  its best to describe qigong this way.  I may describe it wrong.  You can get a copy if you can find it in  - your local library.  Ancient Herbs, Modern Medicine – Improving your health by combining Chinese Herbal Medicine and Western Medicine by Henry Han, O.M.D., Glenn E. Miller, M.D. and Nancy Deville by Bantam Books(Publisher)

“Qigong is a system of deep breathing, with or without slow movements combined with mental focus to control one’s Vital Energy (Qi), which brings the body, mind and spirit into alignment and balance.  Qigong is said to have been originated by mountain hermits in ancient China and can be traced to inscriptions on tortoise shells dating to 2,500 B.C. and to silk drawings found in tombs four thousand years old.

Chinese philosophy considers living beings and the environment part of the same whole.  The Qi force continually fluctuates in an attempt to harmonise the Yin and Yang Energies of this whole.  The air you draw intd into Qi.  The air that you draw in will be converted into Qi.  The air that becomes the body’s internal Qi is the same Qi of the environment.  In fact the Chinese language “air” and “Vital Energy” are the same word: Qi. Air and Vital Energy are merely a different concept of Qi.  One is inside and other outside the body.  Breathing joins the environment Qi with the internal Qi.

Qi is constantly circulating the Meridians throughout the body.  This circulation of Qi weaves every component and function of the body into a harmonised whole.  Practicing Qigong taps into this energy flow, engages and invigorates Qi, to dissolve stagnation and break into blockages.  In Qigong, movement and stillness are cultivated to create an awareness that guides you through the process of achieving calmness and harmony of your Qi. A calm mind and spirit lead to higher levels of skill and self-knowledge. 

Practicing Qigong will loosen your joints, increase flexibility and suppleness and strengthen your sinews and tendons.  Qigong has been shown to improve the function of internal organs, delay aging and prolong life.
Qigong is divided into 3 main categories:
•   Healing qigong teaches how to cleanse, gather and circulate healing Energy. Qigong for healing promotes general vitality and well-being and teaches techniques to treat specific problems.  In addition to practicving healing Qigong for your own benefit, healing qigong can be practised as therapeutic touch. You can learn to project healing qi through your hands into another person to restore his or her balance.
•   Spiritual qigong emphasizes meditation to cultivate self-awareness of your place in nature and your surroundings.
•   Sports qigong uses dynamic experience to improve strength, endurance, balance and flexibility.”

The qigong I practise is a healing qigong called China Soaring Crane Qigong.  For beginners, you will need to learn the 5 routines and once you have learnt, you need to pass a simple test(to know that you understand the 5 routines) to progress into standing meditatation.  I have passed the test and tried standing meditation twice.  I am not good in standing meditation because I cannot focus my mind into calmness, so I have only done twice.  Currently I focus on the 5 routines to gather more qi because I practise in a different training ground that teaches new students 5 routines because I brought my 75 year old mother-in-law to learn the 5 routines. 

You can check out this two websites, if you are interested to know more about the qigong I’m practicing .

This two websites are from Malaysia and Brunei.  It will tell you more about the qigong(which I am practising). You can also watch the soaring crane qigong in youtube, just to have a look whether you think you want to learn or not.  Learning qigong is a slow process.  It will not promise you immediate effect but long term learning, determination and motivation will help you achieve it in the long run.  I have a lot of ache and pain when I start learning, but it does not stop me because I know that I have a lot of “sickness-blockages” inside my body.  If old lady/man are learning it, why stop us from learning?  In fact, the younger you learn, you have have more youthful look when you as you grow older.  I have a teacher who looks in her 40s when she is in fact 58.  Another looks like my age, when she told me she is 40+ and have 16 year old child, I was shocked. 

The only downside of this qigong, is you must learn it with a certified instructor because if you learn it wrongly(yourself) you will not get the movement right(position) resulting in other side effect, you may blame it on the qigong.  Therefore my qigong association always encourages never learn from the books, but a certified instructor. This means all our teachers has passed certain qualifying exams to teach.  In the place where I learn, even the non-Chinese speakers can learn this because we have teachers who are also capable to teaching in English.  It is not expensive to learn from my association.  I only need to pay for a set of training uniforms(t-shirt and pants), entrance fee which includes 3 months of training fee (the whole course actually lasted a year because 6 months to learn the 5 routines, another 6 months to learn standing meditation).  There’s also a yearly renewal fee (RM100 per year) to pay.  If I am very enthusiastic, I can always practise Mon-Sat morning with the organisation on the training ground.  Night practises(Mon, Wed and Fri) are for newcomers as well as regulars(like me).  There are no limit on how many times you want to fit in to learn with newcomers as long as I feel that I have not achieved the “standard” I can alway go to the newcomer’s class(though you have not paid any tuition fee).  I actually went to newcomers class twice(10 months to achieve the competency for 5 routines exam because i joined very late for the first class(which I am totally lost).



Offline Berlian

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2013, 12:45:33 PM »
Terima kasih gwftan :-)

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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2013, 01:40:25 PM »
Sama-sama... Berlian.  Moga-moga kamu akan mendapat balik kesihatan seperti dahulu.


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Re: Please everyone, help me! I'm suffering with worse fatigue and dizzy.
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2013, 08:35:13 AM »
Amien. Terima kasih banyak-banyak!

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