Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?

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Offline Zadkhi

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Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« on: April 03, 2007, 10:49:39 PM »
So I have been having some pretty discomforting heartburn and gastritis-like symptoms that center right around just below my ribcage. 

A burning ish sensation especially a few minutes after eating, a mild sense of nausea, a burning and major sensation of pressure and bloating at almost any given time of the day that's just as bad with or without food, gas, and belching.  But no noticeable bowel issues?

It isn't heartburn and the physician who saw me when this first started thought it was just gastritis and gave me Nexium, which didn't seem to do anything much. 

After 2 weeks on the med, I got a bad flare up and after talking with an old family friend who is a GI doctor, he said it's entirely likely that my problem is gallbladder related and that I am having issues with stones because of my thal.

I did some research and realized that thals indeed are more prone to gallstone issues so my question is this:

If you've had gallstones, what did it feel like and was it obvious that it was gallstones and how was it treated?

I know I need to go to a GI doctor, but it's $300 just for consultation, not including procedures and my family wants to wait till I get back on insurance which should be soon.

This is where I insert that whoever thinks US healthcare is so great has never been in the US healthcare system sans insurance.

*grumbles and scowls and drinks green tea*


Offline Narendra

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Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2007, 11:16:15 PM »
Hello Zadkhi,

Try to see if this post sheds some light on your queries


Offline jzd24

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Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2007, 02:24:38 AM »
     What you have described sounds pretty much like the start of gall bladder trouble. Mine finally was so bad that I had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital after 2 different acute attacks that happened in the night. On those occassions, I woke up to intense pain in the same area you are talking about. I couldn't walk or even talk, and just made kind of grunting noises. My hair was instantly wet because I went into shock. Now these were pretty severe attacks, I don't know if that is common or not. After those, I finally had my gall bladder out by laproscopy (a less invasive operation). My situation may have been made worse because of my age, my spleen being extrememly enlarged, and the fact that I was not yet being transfused and had a low hemoglobin. I'm just guessing here. I finally had to get my spleen removed as well.
     I hope you can get on insurance soon and get tested. The test showed that I had sludge, but evidently that can cause severe problems as well as stones. 
     Good luck, I hope I didn't alarm you too much. It would be good to hear from others and see what they experienced. Take care, Jean   


Offline Zadkhi

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Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2007, 03:58:58 AM »
Hello Zadkhi,

Try to see if this post sheds some light on your queries

Thanks for the link and thank you Jean!



Offline roldan par

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Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2007, 03:00:44 PM »
hi zadki! I'm roldan..a thal major from philippines, stress can trigger the pain in my lower ribcage alway, don't always stress your self and avoid salt in your food to prevent this from happening?Green tea is good for us thals specially in helping flush the iron and salt in our body, my doctor advise that to me long time ago.Godbless! :thumbsup
hmmm...judge me when we get to know each other

Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2007, 06:57:02 PM »

         i had develop pains in that same area plus back pains and my heamatologist sent me for an ultrasound which showed i had a dozen or more gall stones.the pain was excrutiating and i felt like my bed was giving me those pains.

i had a scheme of antibiotics to calm the flare up an i was told if the flare up was repeated they would have to operate an have the gall bladder removed.

I had pass the word around an a friend of mine told me of a pharmacist in Trinidad who mixes drugs and came up with one that diffuses and allows one to rid themselves of urinary tract stones and i bought a scheme.

Zadkhi i took that at least two years ago an i havent had a flare up relieved that i didnt have to have surgery and the discomfort.

they will increse in number due to the breaking down of cells the broken down matter clogs the gall bladder and the stones continue to form.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2007, 05:59:39 AM »

Do you know what the mixture was? Was it meds or herbs? Many patients would like to know anything that can help with gallstones.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 11:48:46 AM »
Andy and all,
   the mixture was meds not herbs.the pharmacist is jamaican in dad is actually using the med for kidney stone right now.

i wish i could help.the docs name is bonny lakhan he lives in fyzabad but im unaware if he is on the web.

i'll try to get more dad visits him on monday. :console


Offline Ash

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Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2007, 04:50:20 PM »
Urinary tract stones are probably kidney stones. Gallstones, if they were to lodge free from the gall bladder would come out in stool.

Depending on the kind of stones, most common being cholesterol ones..I am not sure which ones thals usually have but I am about to find out.

So if there are cholestrol types then you can use Actigall or Udihep which is a tablet which forms a bile acid it helps in dissolving the stones so that you can pass it normally during your morning routine.

Again drugs for other stones are not available and hence surgery would be the way to go.

Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2013, 11:51:42 AM »

Do you know what the mixture was? Was it meds or herbs? Many patients would like to know anything that can help with gallstones. is the website which can help   gall stone sufferres , I  am one of the gall stone sufferer looking for cure ...thks to trinigirl for sharing the pharmacist name and i came across the above webpage

Re: Gallstones? How did you know and what did it feel like?
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2013, 12:00:05 PM »
Andy and all,
   the mixture was meds not herbs.the pharmacist is jamaican in dad is actually using the med for kidney stone right now.

i wish i could help.the docs name is bonny lakhan he lives in fyzabad but im unaware if he is on the web.

i'll try to get more dad visits him on monday. :console

Can you please give proper address and contact number of doc bonny lakhan.
thks in advance


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