My current hieght is 5feet 2inch and weight is about 45 what protien deit should i take
What is your parents height (mother and father)? 45, mine too was that when I started. I'm now floating around 47 or so.
If you're a non-veg eater, you can easily get good protein from it. For me, however, it isn't the case, as I'm veg, so I drink shakes like whey protein several times a day, like one after waking up, one post workout, one pre-dinner, and take a slow digesting protein (casein) before bedtime. Eggs are also great source of protein, I try to consume them as well. Each whole egg (egg white and yolk) contains about 6-7g of protein.
You should at least consume 1g of protein per pound body weight. So 45kg equals around 100 lbs (pounds) so you should consume at least 100g of protein every day. 75g can do as well.
I try to consume 75-100g of protein on workout days and around 60-75g on non-workout days.
Also, eat every 2-3 hours and include protein with each meal. Eating protein with each meal keeps fueling your muscles and eating every 2-3 hours also keeps body full and helps gain mass.
I recommend you consider your physician and join Gym. Sites like Cooley's Anemia Foundation (CAF - official thal site) supports and asks thal major to perform resistance exercise like weight lifting, push-ups, pull-ups so it can increase bone and muscle mass.