I don't know where to start.....I was dx'd with thalassemia minor many years ago. In fact, I've undergone the hemoglobin electrophoresis test several times, since any and every doctor I encounter looks at me as if I've grown horns when I tell them about this. (I have blonde hair and blue eyes, and for some reason, doctors don't seem to believe me when I tell them about the thalassemia minor. They just tell me to take iron.)
Bottom line is, I feel like *&%$ ALL THE TIME. (I feel really bad complaining after reading about Lisa, but I figure that's why this forum is here.) At any rate, I want to take charge of this, and most doctors pooh-pooh me when I ask if this is what is making me so tired.
Can anyone comment on my most recent CBC results?:
WBC - 9.6
RBC - 5.21
HGB - 9.9
HCT - 32.6
MCV - 63.0
MCH - 18.9
MCHC - 30.2
Platelets - 388
RDW - 14.7
Neu. - 76.5
Lym. - 9.6
Mon. - 7.1
Eos. - 5.9
Bas. - 0.9
I believe most of this is consistent with the thalassemia minor, but are these values low enough to be making me feel the way I do? (Like I can't even put one foot in front of the other...)
Also, the low lymphocyte level has me concerned. The range is said to be 25.0 to 50.0 thousand. Mine is 9.6! Of course, I've been all over the internet trying to diagnose myself (since my doctor won't call me back), and I'm really freaked out because everything lists AIDS as the #1 cause for low lymphocytes! (Followed by CANCER.)
Could the low level of lymphocytes be related to the thalassemia minor?
Should I see a hematologist? Can anything be done to boost my hemoglobin (and related) so that I will have more energy?
The lowest my hemoglobin level has been (that I know of) was 8.0.
I'm sorry if this all seems disjointed. Any input/help is very much appreciated. My husband blames my lack of energy on depression, but I take Prozac regularly, so there is not much else to be done in that regard.