Yes, it is Jatin. Majors cannot go to 4 years old without transfusion. Regardless of Jatin's genotype, his phenotype is not major. Even under the best circumstances, hydroxyurea will not raise Hb more than 1-2 points. Do the math. An intermedia can maintain an Hb of 6-10. Majors are always below 6 and most likely below 3 without transfusions. I suspect that Jatin has a genetic modifier that has not been found that helps to keep his Hb level high enough where hydroxyurea can provide some benefit. I have heard from many majors who have tried hydroxyurea and have had no worthwhile results. Oakland Children's has determined that hydroxyurea does not provide enough benefit to recommend it to majors.
Hydroxyurea is fairly safe but it can have a negative effect on fertility while it's being used. This is reversible. Dosage for thal is 15-20 mg/kg. Higher doses have more side effects and do not produce a better result. Results should include electrophoresis because if hydroxyurea is working, the HbF level will rise as a total percentage of Hb. Even if the Hb does not rise, hydroxyurea is working if the HbF rises considerably. However, this would be insufficient for majors.
I have to agree with the studies that have recommended hydroxyurea use by majors in countries so poor that transfusions create a burden financially or there is a lack of blood. But, I find it hard to recommend its use for true majors, as it cannot help enough to free a major from transfusion. Keep in mind that thal intermedia is actually a vague classification and many intermedias have been classified as majors because they do require transfusions.
Do I think it's worth trying for you? No. From your history, I think you are a true major and would see little benefit if any.
And for those where hydroxyurea does work, it will only work as long as they continue the drug. I feel we have much more hope with the newer HbF inducing drugs that are in development.
Jatin has not transfused for one year. I think this is something to celebrate but the results should not be used to give false hope to majors. It can have real value to intermedia patients and those with HbE beta thal, but has proven to be of little value to most majors.