Hello all,
First of all, I just want to say thank you to whomever put up this site to help people with thalassemia find support and help with this disease.
I just want to say that this is my first time here and I never have before been too overly concerned about my thalassemia condition until now.
My doctor told me that my iron level is too high and to prevent iron overload, I have to take a small dose of ExJade to see if that will help bring the iron level down. I also read about the side effects of ExJade...which makes me hesitant to take it.

I did my research online and found that there may be 3 natural chelating agents that I can take to help reduce my iron overload.
1. green tea ...I am starting to take the capsule form of the green tea extract
2. IP6....I am ordering it online and have yet to take it.
3. Curcumin (curcuminoids)...substance found in tumeric....I am also ordering it online and have yet to take.
Anyone care to comment on the above products or does anyone currently taking the above products? if so, are they helpful? including the ExJade.
Thanks in advance,
paints from NorCal.