What is the minimum age for a BMT?Thalassemic patients with an HLA identical donor should be transplanted as soon as possible.Did Prof. Lucarelli and Dr. Sodani have performed BMTs on very young children i.e. between the age of 13 months –24 months?Yes,and the the younger the patient,the better are the results.
How old does the baby have to be to donate marrow?
If the new born can only donate marrow after 1 year of age, I know we can use the cord blood as soon as birth.. Is there any difference in the result with the transplant between the marrow & cord blood?The little I could find out, with the cord blood there are more complications.. True??
Yes I agree. When I referred to PGD I meant PGD + IVF + HLA match. I know a couple of people in India who have been to Superior ART in bangkok for PGD for HLA matched sibling. Recently a thal major successfully underwent a transplant from a HLA matched sibling born through PGD in Bangkok.