I'm new here, and would like to thank you for accepting my registration.
My name is Catalin ( it's a romanian name, hard to pronounce, so maybe let's stick with Spike?

, and i've been diagnosed with thal minor sometime when i was 12, i think. My parents didn't know much about this back then, and it seems like neither did the doctors, because the diagnosis was, quote: "some kind of mild anemia, and icterus". My folks dragged me from doctor to doctor, because i looked pale and my white part of the eye was kind of yellowish. Later i found out it is called JAUNDICE. This, jaundice gave me alot of hell when i was a kid because it trashed my self esteem away. Sometimes, probably depending on what i ate or how much water i drank, and how much sleep i got, but as i found later more or less depending on the food intake and nutrients that could stop the hemolysis, i was more or less yellow.
My parents obviously thought i had some kind of liver disease and thus the never ending tests that were always normal. So, this stopped until i was 25, and because of a huge scare i got i started having some panic attacks. As some of you know, a panic attack usually starts out with heart palpitations so i was rushed to the ER where they did some bloodwork and one of the doctors there sent me to a hematologist. There i was diagnosed with thal minor, have been told to take folic acid (5 mg) 10 to 15 days every month of the fall and winter, they gave me a list of world and national atheletes that are thals to stop my paranoia and sent me on my way home.
No problem, until a few years later ( like 2 years ago, i'm 29 now) i started having some pains in my leg muscles and joints, and was under the suspicion of an autoimune inflamatory disease called spondilytis. Went trough a series of neverending tests, and wrong diagnostic and eventually wa sent again on my way with post traumatic stress disorder. I relaxed a little and the pain have almost gone away, they're only there when i work long hours on the computer or don't get enough exercise and such.
Problem is since then my bilirubin tets are high , and every new doctor i'm seeing , even for a flu, is telling me a different story!. One hematologist said i was intermedia. I got scared and went back to my prevoius hematologist and told him. She ( the president of the romanian institute of hematology) said the other one is a quack and should mind his own business, redid some bloodwork and stated" "your anemia is so mild you can forget about it!" Went back home again!
A few day ago, i had some what i think are gallbladder pains. Thinking i may have some stones in there, i went to see an internist who could refer me for an ultrasound. He did. But before that he said: Oh my God, why are you so pale? - I have thal minor!, i said, and my bilirubin levels are ometimes high. Even when they were normal, i still had jaundice , i said. He stated: No, are you sure you're not intermedia? Thal minors don't have continuous high bilirubin levels.
What the hell? I can't take it anymore! I don't know what to do! Should i go tto my hematologist again and tell her? She would say it's nothing to worry about again.
Are there thal minors with jaundice since childhood, like me? I it possible that this could evolve to intermedia?
My electrophoresis from when i was diagnosed by my current hematologist looked like this:
Hb A0 94.9 % 96-99% -normal
Hb A2 5.1 <3.5 values
My boodwork shows 11.2 to 13.3 g/dL hemoglobin levels, depending on how i eat.
MCV is always 65.5 L
MCH is always 20.0 L
MCHC is always 30.6 L
I have always been told that minors don't have any symptoms , thus every new doc i meet send me to get this done again and it comes back like this everytime.
I've always had an enlarged spleen and jaundice. And if it's nothing to worry about why does my hematologist want me to come have check ups every 6 months? Can't i do it once a year like a normal person? I mean is she mitaken with thos values and this is intermedia?
I'm kind of scared and confused, here. If i go for a folow up she'll tell me i va minor, and go home. I hope that's the case.
Is anyone jaundiced like for theyr entire lives?
I read about somethinhg thal minors could develop, called Dominant Thal, wich resembles Intermedia and it scared me to hell...
Thank you, so much!