Hi everyone! I have been reading through this forum and have found it very helpful. I am glad I am not alone. i have been doing a lot of research on this because I believe my symptoms are related. I was told I had thalessemia minor at a very young age. My mother said it was Mediterranean anemia. I found out the medical term for it as I grew older. I am 39 years old, and have been experiencing fatigue for over 4 years! Because of this fatigue, I had stopped living my active lifestyle and have gained 40 pounds, I feel weak, and recently been feeling dizzy. Last night, I had heart palpitations that I even felt in my neck! I have been to my doctor several times, and he knows about my thal. He had taken blood, said I was fine and sent me home. I believe I told him I can't have iron, I don't remember, but nothing has been done to help how I feel. I decided to go to a hematologist. I had all my blood work from 2011 sent over and went to my appointment on Friday. The hematologist went into detail about thal, and also stated that from my previous tests, he saw that I was iron deficient. I told him I can't have iron, but he said it is still possible to be iron deficient and have thal. I am still feeling confused, because "dont take iron" has been drilled in my head for so many years, but he said if certain levels in my iron were under 100, I will need to take iron. I told him of the side effects iron gave me when I was pregnant years before, but he said having injections would have less of these side effects. He seemed to be highly educated about thal. I told him i do not know if I am Beta or Alpha, and he told me that Alpha cant be found in a test, but beta can, and he went into detail about each. He said it does not matter which I have. he told me not to worry, he will get my hemoglobin levels up. Anyway, he had my blood drawn to check my hemoglobin, iron levels, thyroid, and I forget what else. I am just waiting on these results. He said it would take a week, but these dizzy spells and heart palpitations are making me a bit nervous. Anyone else have these symptoms, and has anyone had to take iron for a deficiency? Has it made you more tired? Sorry for such a long post, I just need some advice. My mom said iron made her more tired, which had discouraged me.
Thank you in advance.