Someone close to me, who has thalassemia minor has been diagnosed with cirhosis of the liver and stage one cancer. He is 67 years of age, and he is very healthy and active otherwise.
He is scheduled for surgery to have the tumor removed early June, but we don't know what the treatment is after that. He may be placed on a list to receive a liver transplant. It would be helpful to know what may have caused the cirrhosis so that we can be protective of his liver in the future. I think that doctors, for years, attempted to treat his slight anemia with iron and perhaps the iron may have caused the cirrhosis. Is that a possiblility?
Perhaps it is a good idea for all thal minors to also do routine liver funciton tests and to be sure to take good care of the liver through diet, supplements and excercise.
For now I am trying to understand how I can be helpful in this situation (the cirrhosis and cancer). I hope that his prognosis is good and that his health will not deteriorate.