Thanks Sharmin and Andy again for your replies

Dear Emy,
Eating frequently is good for all people - because it balances sugar levels - maintains healthy weight as well. The meals need to be small and should not be empty calories. Resveretrol, wheat grass and vitamin B will give you a lot more energy - one of the ways they do so is by protecting your red blood cells, making them healthier and facilitating oxygenation of all of your tissues and organs.
You want quick and maintained energy levels - which you can gain through eating protein and healthy carbs. If you don't have allergies nuts such as almonds and walnuts are a good sense of energy. Fruit such as apples are also good. Bananas are a good source of sustained energy. Greens+ - a green vege/fruit powder is excellent for providing energy and antioxidant protection as well.
The goal however is good health - which will make you healthier and more energetic all of the time.
Water is absolutely essential for energy and health. Any bladder or kidney issues will be far worse if you reduce your fluid intake. As a side note, it may be a good idea to see your doctor about the bladder issues to ensure that there isn't an underlying issue for increased urination - checking blood sugar is also a good idea for this symptom.
Please feel free to ask any other questions that we can help you with,
Sharmin, thanks for the advice. I'll keep in mind to do frequent eating (healthy type). I guess I've been taught that frequent snacks can make you fat, and that's why I try to avoid it, but I think in our case, we can't avoid it if we want to maintain our energy. Regarding Resveretrol and wheatgrass, since I'm from Malaysia, they are quite foreign to me. I looked up the internet and it seems that we can buy wheatgrass in satchets. I'll try to look for it the next time I'm in the supermarket and give it a try and see whether it can give me quick energy boost

Regarding the other food (nuts, apples, bananas), I think I've tried them all, and none seem to work for quick energy boost

Regarding, water, funny that you mention sugar in blood. My father has diabetes. I'm not diabetic, but my blood sugar level increases abnormally when I eat too much as compared to others (which is another reason why I try to eat less). I'm not sure how this relates though. It's quite difficult because I have many conditions I guess

I'm sorry but my post went into the wrong thread. I was having some weird browser problem and the browser kept scrolling and I ended up replying to the wrong post once I got it to sit still.
I don't think there is any quick fix for anemia of any sort. Following a healthy diet and getting mild to moderate exercise regularly does help. You might want to try wheatgrass, though. It does boost energy levels. For your purposes, fresh wheatgrass juice of wheatgrass extract would be most useful.
Andy, no prob on the mix up, but the terms did sound interesting, I just need to do more readings to educate myself further. Thanks for the advice on wheatgrass. As I mentioned above, I'll give it a try