Hi everyone, I am new to this website and I am actually glad to have found this as I am interested in learning more about thalassemia. I apologize in advance if I am posting a topic that has been brought up already. I'm still trying to read more on the posts.
I grew up knowing that I have thalassemia minor, and was told for the longest time by my mom that I shouldn't marry someone with thalassemia because if we were to have kids, there may be issues. Well, it's not really typical to have a conversation with a potential mate and ask, "Do you have thalassemia?" I figured, what are the odds of that happening? Well, turns out I married someone who was also told all their lives not to marry someone with thalassemia as well. We are both are Filipino, but born and raised in the United States.
The topic of us having thalassemia and having children in the future actually came up during the time we were dating for several years and well, it wasn't a deal breaker for us. We figured, if we decided to get married, it will be all in God's plan on what happens if we were to have children or not.
After 3 years of marriage and constant pressure from our parents, relatives, and even co-workers on us having kids, and also me not getting any younger (I am 30 years old), my husband and I started talking about starting a family. My husband and I talked about it a lot, and we were leaning on trying to have our first child around next year. But, because I know we both have thalassemia minor, it made me want to look more into knowing what are the chances of us having a child with thalassemia major or issues related to thalassemia?
We got blood tests done and it was determined in the letter that came with the results that I have alpha thalassemia trait and my husband has beta thalassemia trait. Attached to this post is a picture of the results of the blood work done which neither one of us really know how to interpret other than what was written. We've both lived healthy lives and never needed to take any supplements or what not. We do plan on talking to a genetic counselor on the results, but I just wanted to get information as well from this website if any of you know what may occur if a couple with one person having alpha thalassemia trait and the other with beta thalassemia trait were to have children? Or if any of you are on the same boat as me and my husband but have had children already? I'm just curious to find out and learn more.
Looking forward to reading some responses and experiences. Thanks once again for this very informative website on thalassemia.
- L