Leg and joint pain.

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Offline Tamizhan

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Re: Leg and joint pain.
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2013, 03:49:45 AM »
I took Keller and desifrox with variant from 500mg to 1000mg for past 16 years. Hematologist already told me Keller have side effect on bone joints but it is mandatory for your growth.

Yesterday, I had a appointment with orthodox specialist. He confirmed that I'm suffering from polyorthiritis with vitamin d deficiency. He advised me to take 15mg vitamin d injection once in 10 days for 30 days, vitamin d powder once in a week for 4 weeks.

He told me this polyorthiritis is because of low hb and Keller.
He advised me to go for Hip bone joint replacement operation and knee joint replacement operation after sometime when pain is not bearable.
I never give up!


Offline Tamizhan

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Re: Leg and joint pain.
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2013, 03:53:51 AM »

At what age do you think one should start zinc, ca, mg and vit D. I started giving these supplements (Zincovit and Shelcal) to my daughter when she was just 16 month old. She is 2 year old now.

I have read many posts here on osteoporosis , brittle bone, lowering bone density etc. I have a question - can these be a cause of concern for 2 year old thal as well. what other supplements apart from the one stated above should one give to a 2 year old thal major patient. Also what is the right dosage of the above supplements for a 2 yr old child.


Hi Himanshu,
Better consult with ortho specialist now itself and keep in touch with them. Do regular examination on bone and joint of ur child. I don't want ur child to face leg pain like me.
I never give up!


Offline Tamizhan

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Re: Leg and joint pain.
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2013, 04:05:07 AM »
Many use Osteocare. http://www.vitabiotics.com/osteocare/chewable_formula.aspx It provides trace minerals also.

Thank you for reply, Andy.

For past 24 years I didn't took any mineral supplement. Even my Hemat doctor and ortho specialist didn't advised me to take any mineral supplement for bone growth/ bone pain. They always insist to have fresh vegetables. Whether this tablet have any side effect? Currently my kidneys are working good. Whether these tablet alter its function?
Hope I'm grown with good height of 162 cm.
I never give up!


Offline Tamizhan

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Re: Leg and joint pain.
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2013, 04:27:58 AM »

you have to learn to live with this pain.

Taking the medicines_calcium, magnesium, zincs, vit d are important; bur equally important is learning to live with it.

I have the worst leg pain and back pain on earth. I have been on good medicines, but still pain has become a part of my everyday life.

So take the supplements....and learn to live with it.

Don't over exert, don't do things beyond your capacity, know where to stop, learn to say no.
Just lie down or sit down in between when you feel you need to do do.

Lots of love.

Hi Rashmi,

I used to live with pain. But nowadays it's going worst. This pain only differentiate me from normal person and specially gifted thal person. Everyone in my office are questioning me about my dead slow walk or limping. I didnt tell anyone in office that I'm specially gifted thal person.I already learnt to say NO to team outings, resorts, trekking, shopping malls.

The thing is I didn't have any mineral supplement from my childhood for bone growth or joint pain.

Have you undergone any operation for joint pain?
By God grace I'm not experiencing back pain.
I never give up!


Offline Pratik

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Re: Leg and joint pain.
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2013, 06:36:02 AM »
Ordering from Vitabiotics will be costly. So I'd instead recommend www.chemistdirect.co.uk as that is where I order from and the shipping costs cuts down by quite a lot too as it comes from UK.
Every child is special.


Offline Dharmesh

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Re: Leg and joint pain.
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2013, 10:35:36 AM »
What is ur Ferritin level and Blood requirement?

First, u need to correct ur D level with mega dosage of Vitamin D 50000 IU.
With this u need multi vitamin , multimineral supplemnts having Calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D, Zinc etc.
Zinc is also important for u because u r on kelfer.
Low hb is also a major cause of pain.

And, i know we thals are missing so much fun. We just learn easily to say No , but it's hard thing. I can understand :(
Start listening your body, it always gives signs


Offline Tamizhan

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Re: Leg and joint pain.
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2013, 12:53:37 PM »
My ferritin is around 521. I had my last blood transfusion on June 2009. Between my hb maintain around 8.
I had desifrox till last October. Hematologist advised me to stop desifrox as ferritin is 521. If it increase, once again I'll take desifrox. I'm having desifrox in a non continuous. Window for last 4 years.
Even though I didn't have blood transfusion, my ferritin is increasing in slow process. So whenever it increase I'm having desifrox.

I'm advised to take 3 dose of vitamin d 60000 iu 15 mg once in 10 days along with 4 dose of vitamin d 60000 granules 5 mg sachet once in a weak.

Neither ortho specialist nor hematologist advice me to take zinc, calcium, magnesium supplements.
I never give up!


Offline Dharmesh

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Re: Leg and joint pain.
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2013, 07:50:56 AM »
It doesn't make any difference if doctor do not prescribe supplements. Supplements can be have from Medical store without prescription.

I didn't get the 15mg vit d 60000iu, u means its injection? regarding granules it comes in a packing of  1gram and not  as 5 mg.  it is suggested weekly with milk till ur levels reached good level.

Regarding ur overall health , u should consider the advice given by Andy to u.

And yes have some wheat grass daily
Start listening your body, it always gives signs


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