Andy and your doctor will be able to give you a much better explanation.
The good thing is that you don't have any organ abnormality, masses or scarring. Sludge is common in the gall bladder for thalassemics - my son has it too. I can guide you on clearing that once other things are settled.
I am not sure if your ferritin is elevated due to the stress your body is going through from being unwell or if in fact you have iron overload.
Are you presently on exjade? Combination chelation is an absolute must for your right now - it will solve many of your problems.
I see that your hemoglobin is very low. Low hemoglobin is bad for many many reason - and prolonged anemia will enlarge your spleen. I think that hypertransfusion is necessary to to reduce the size of your spleen. A large spleen reduces your hemoglobin. Low hemoglobin results in heavy increased absorption of iron in the gut - which is a a negative cycle re-enforcing low hemoglobin, large spleen and iron overload.
If your doctor agrees, perhaps look into:
increased transfusion - keeping above 10 at all times.
combination chelation exjade/desferal or ferriprox/desferal or ferriprox/exjade (if approved where u are)
If this does not help you the doctor may suggest removing your spleen - but I think it is worth a shot trying to decrease the size of your spleen by hyper transfusing.
I think one problem is feeding into the next - low hg = large spleen = greater breakdown of red blood cells = sludge in gall bladder and yellowing and iron overload....and so on.
You will be ok Bappy all of these problems can be managed.
If you are on exjade - be sure to split the does (1/2 in am) and (1/2 in the pm) - that may help with your SGPT.
Best and please keep us posted,